Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effect of Colonialism on Gender Equality Relating to the Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

When it comes to delegating responsibility, allocating power, and demanding equality, there always seems to be an underlying bias towards the masculine sector of society, which allows an imbalance regarding gender equality. Understanding where this way of thinking comes from is an essential part of trying to shift and completely erase the bias. Throughout history, a patriarchal pattern and way of thinking has been passed down from generation to generation; what we fail to see is the reason for this pattern and the ways in which we can remedy the situation.A great example of this issue is displayed in the novel, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, by Junot Diaz. The female characters of Junot Diaz’s novel The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, La Inca, Beli, and Lola, demonstrate the ways in which colonialism led to the dehumanization of citizens, especially women, and how these power dynamics carry over into modern society in relationships between the majority and minority, b oth in terms of race and gender in their oppression and the stigma that is attached to being a Dominican immigrant women in America. There are three important women in the novel: La Inca, Beli, and Lola.Each are strong women who battle each other, men, the fuku, their past, their color, and–most important the fact that they are women. One can argue that this habit of undermining the female population comes all the way from when colonialism began to take place. Not only did this Western idea of colonizing mean degrading those that were more, barbaric and unfortunate. â€Å".. we must study how colonization works to decivilize the colonizer,to brutalize him in the true sense of the word, to degrade him, to awaken him to buried instincts, to covetousness, violence, race hatred, and moral relativism. (Cesaire 35) But it was from this that the idea of judging humans by their appearance came about and began to exist. Prior to this the idea of looking and judging by color, gender a nd physical appearance was non-existent. What we fail to see as a society is the realness of this matter, the fact that still in the 21st century this idea of inequality hits almost every single female in one way or another, affecting even the capability to sustain themselves economically because of the still present gender gap in salary wages. This struggle is specifically seen in foreign females residing in America.Junot Diaz in his novel very craftily, with much use of heteroglossia- the presence of two or more voices, discourses, or expressed viewpoints in a text or other artistic work and uncensored truth displays this with his female characters. Lola, represents the first generation American Hispanic female who struggles with finding a balance of her spanish culture and the urge of freeing herself from the stereotype she is expected to uphold. In her journey to oppose such characterization, and as a modern Dominican girl she could only push and dream on. â€Å"with promises t hat once I reached college I would be able to do whatever I pleased, burst out.I couldn’t help it†¦ It was a message more than a feeling, a message that tolled like a bell: change, change, change. † (Diaz 58) This feeling of hope is what drives and keeps many women working hard and pushing for positive changes still to this day. But the constant tag of war with essentialism- belief that a group of pe2ople exhibit traits, characteristics, or behaviors that are essential to their nature and membership to that group, is what drove Lola to the verge of insanity. â€Å"What it’s like to be the perfect Dominican daughter, which is just a nice way of saying Dominican slave. (Diaz 56) She fought like a mad cat for justice, freedom and opportunities. Basic human rights, but not for the average foreign female in the U. S. Her battle was seen as her â€Å"crazy years.. what Dominican girl doesn’t have those? † (Diaz 24) Her sense of independence and brav ery is taken and classified just merely because she is an ethnic female. â€Å"She’d turned into one of those Jersey dominicanas, a long distance runner who drover her own car, had her own checkbook, called men bitches, and would eat a fat cat in front of you without a speck of verguenza. (Diaz 25) To call such attitude honorable would be out of the question because to society she is stepping out of what her stereotype is suppose to be.On the other hand, feminism to traditional La Inca was never even a thought. La Inca is part of the female group that accepts the oppression and her given expected role in society. Instead of fighting against it she lives her entire life trying to maintain and protect her assigned role â€Å"La Inca, you see, was a serious woman, an upstanding woman, one of the best in her class. (Diaz 102) She fought hard to keep the status of her family up high, she is the result of a woman from a colonized country. She knows nothing more than what she is g iven and refuses and is scared to venture. La Inca is the traditional dominican mom, her only wish was for her daughter, Beli to succeed and achieve what she could not. But like many traditional mothers she wanted her daughter to stay rooted in her culture, just the mere thoughts of Beli going to the â€Å"extranjero† brought her anger â€Å" The U. S. was nothing more and nothing less than a pais overrun by gangsters, putas, and no-accounts. (Diaz 158) La Inca lives by what society has taught her to be, to do things for the well being of the men in society, to take care of the home but more importantly to stay at the bottom of the chain and not even think about fighting it. The fight against what colonialism has built the female population to be was started thanks to women like Beli. She represent the females who were tired of living the role they were given.â€Å"Beli could no longer abide working at the bakery or being the â€Å"daughter† of one of the â€Å"most upstanding women in Bani. † She could not abide, period†¦ hat she wanted, more than anything, was what she’d always wanted throughout her Lost Childhood: to escape. † (Diaz 80) She was able to detach herself and learn that there is more to life than what she was told. It is thanks to females like her that we are becoming aware of how far down colonialism has push females. That the â€Å"worship of women as objects of chivalric adoration† (Kaplan 107) should not be, society makes females feel â€Å"invited to imagine themselves participating in the adventures of empire as a means of rejoicing traditional roles. (Kaplan 110) This is what the support of imperial conquest has created. Hypatia Belicia Cabral, a lost dominican single mother in the U. S trying to escape from the culture that expects her to fulfill a given role. Colonialism allowed the lessening of a person just because of an aspect of their look or status.Just as Aime Cesaire states,  ".. while colonialism in its formal sense might have been dismantled, the colonial state has not. Many of the problems of democracy are products of the old colonial state whose primary difference is the presence of black faces. (Cesaire 27) This being a clear example of Oscar, who even in a new country with endless possibilities to succeed still drags on with him that curse of fuku and the result of colonialism as his cross which leads him to find a way to not succeed. Judged by his skin color and his constant battle of achieving the mastering of this male chauvinism, that also came as a result of colonialism and its oppression of woman. The reality is that colonization taught human beings to â€Å"dehumanizes even the most civilized man. † (Cesaire 41) It allowed this concept of â€Å"ownership† and superiority of a race against another- creating an evil chain.Wealthy men were the owners of less fortunate men, and as a result of chauvinism, men were the owners of wome n. â€Å"Colonial activity, colonial enterprise, colonial conquest, which is based on contempt for the native and justified by that contempt, inevitably tends to change him who undertakes it; that the colonizer, who in order to ease his conscience gets into the habit of seeing the other man as an animal accustoms himself to treating him like an animal, and tends objectively to transform himself into an animal. (Cesaire 27) Colonialism began to build a pyramid of levels of importance in society, placing wealthy men at the top following by the rest of the men population and lastly are those wealthy and educated woman; that regardless how hard they try could never climb up the set social cast as we see in the battle of Lola against this very restricted stereotype she gets casted into. Although many of these casted minorities move to the United States in search of freedom and equality, as Beli did in order to â€Å"escape,† many of them instead find a world heavenly still conden sed in the social dynamics carried over from colonialism.American domination – the only domination from which one never recovers. I mean from which one never recovers unscarred. † (Cesaire 77) As the ethnocentric country that we are, we like to criticize other nations in the way they handle their national issues but this is merely part of colonization, a skill that the United States as a whole has down to the most specific detail. By doing so the nation as a whole makes it that much easier for members of such colonized countries to undergo the process of which colonization becomes epidermalization- â€Å"The interiorisation of an inferiority complex based on socioeconomic inequalities. Such experience that all the characters in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao undergo and are in constant conflict with. As a nation of great power we possess many great attributes but lack immensely in the topic of equality of genders. Judging rulers of other countries such as Chavez, Castro and Hitler, when these rulers had so much more to offer their woman in comparison to the United States.Although they committed crimes of which none are applaud for, what we don’t like to state and teach is that in spite of all this â€Å"wrong†, women in these particular countries received the support and were asked to better themselves and contribute to the economical development of their own nation. â€Å"By any standards, the position of women in Cuba ranks among the highest indices of equality of treatment and opportunities. † (Women In Cuba) In Venezuela Chavez receives the support of thousands of women, both in government and outside. Tania Diaz, governing party candidate for the capital district and previously minister of communications, said the aim of the activity was to support the president†¦. Since the government came to power women’s opportunities for development and for participation in Venezuelan society had multiplied. † (Pearson) While in Hitlers world, women were encouraged to train and become strong in order to become competitive with the male population and thus take part in the advancement of the Nazi nation. Hitler provided places for the female youth to learn and support each other in such advancements.These youth group was called the League of German Girls, founded in 1930. An important part of life in the League of German Girls was to help the girls build character, and to prepare them for what were supposed to be their future tasks within the Nazi Volksgemeinschaft, or people's community, by getting them involved in programs that were for the â€Å"good of the people† (Chris Crawford and Stephan Hansen) Empowering woman was something that was done in these nation, had These nations although accused of being some of the most dehumanizing, underdeveloped societies, have more opportunity and support for all of their women citizens.Allowing them to become just as competitive in the wor k force and every other aspect of society. While in America the gap between male and female equality is still so spread, and even more so the gap between male and an ethnic female. The power of oppression towards women as a result of colonialism and how these power dynamics carry over into our modern society is something that we must begin to shift. That although America tries to escape from being called a colonizer, we have become victims of our own poison. â€Å"Domestic and foreign spaces are closer than we think, and that the dynamics of imperil expansion cast them into jarring proximity. (Kaplan 1)Cesaire, Aime Discourse on Colonialism, 1955 Edition Presence Africaine Chris Crawford and Stephan Hansen, http://bdmhistory. com/research/main. html#two, copyright 2003-2008. Diaz, Junot The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, 2007 Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Kaplan, Amy The Anarchy of Empire In the Making of U. S Culture, 2002 President and Fellows of Harvard College ?Pearson, Tamara, à ¢â‚¬Å"Venezuelan Women Swear to be â€Å"Guardians† of Chavez in?Response to CNN,† VENEZUELANALYSIS. COM, http://venezuelanalysis. com/news/5644 Women in cuba- http://www. cuba-solidarity. org. uk/

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Odyssey and O Brother Essay

Thus, we find the modern film depiction of the troubles of a man during the depression is molded by the ancient struggles of Odysseus in Homeris Odyssey. Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between Homeris classic epic and iO Brother Where Art Thou? The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a comparable perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch goddess Circe. The Cyclops encounter is transcendent between both works. The Cyclops, in the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i has obvious physical traits that connect the two pieces of work. The Cyclops in each story is a large man, who only has one eye. One website describe the Cyclopes race as, ia rough and uncivilized race of one-eyed giants. i(Spark notes p1) Odysseus describe the giant as, i A prodigious man who slept in his cave alone, and took his flocks to graze afield—remote from all companions, knowing none but savage ways, a brute so huge. i(Wilkie p378) The encounter of the Cyclops shows a great similarity in both of these stories. Odysseus, the main character of the iOdysseyi and Ulysses, the main character of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are taken from of state of tranquility and savagely attacked. As described by Odysseus, iSo there all day, until the sun went down, we made our feast on meat galore, and wine. i(p 377) This quote describes Odysseus and his men relaxing and enjoying a feast. Quite similar in iO Brother Where Art Thou,i Ulysses was enjoying a picnic when the savage Cyclops attacked him. When Ulysses and Odysseus were about to enjoy a peaceful day they are overtaken by the Cyclops either imprisoned or robbed. Both Ulysses and Odysseus mentality of a warrior allows them to fight back and eventually defeat the Cyclops. In each story an attempt to blind the creature offers a distraction for each character to escape from the Cyclops. Secondly, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Easters. When you eat the intoxicating fruit of the lotus, as described in the Odyssey, the thought of home, purpose of voyage, and memories of the past are no longer important. Odysseus and his men arrive at the land of the Lotus-Eaters and become addicted and drawn to the fruit. They are so leered to the fruit, that it becomes a mindless obsession. iO Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes parallel to the story of the Lotus-Eaters when Ulysses and his men are baptized. Websteris dictionary defines baptism as, ithe Christian sacrament of sin and spiritual rebirth as a Christian. i Both the iOdysseyi and iO Brother Where Art Thou? i describe a rebirth and new thinking. The things of the past are no longer important. Rebirth of the soul and becoming filled with the spirit are identical to the intoxication of the f ruit. Therefore, the producers of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are describing baptisms as a new beginning and new thought, then comparing it to the lotus eaters of the iOdyssey. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. This parallel is the strongest element of comparison because it is very similar how each story describes the Sirens. Odysseus is told in the iOdyssey,i iSquare in your shipis path are the Sirens, crying beauty to bewitch men coasting by. i (p 421) Both Ulysses and Odysseus use wax to avoid the Sirens. Ulysses hair smelling of wax, (hair wax) and Odysseus instructing his men to put wax in their ears is enough to avoid the Sirens seductive song in each story. Avoiding the Sirens allows both Ulysses and Odysseus to continue on their purpose of journey, to get home. Another striking similarity is the witch goddess of Circe. In the iOdyssey,i Circe turns one of Odysseus men into a pig. Parallel to the Homeric epic, one of Ulysses men was supposedly turned into a frog. These two strong parallels sum up an obvious influence of Homeric work in iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The movie iO Brother Where Art Thou? i is strikingly similar to Homeris iOdyssey,i in both plot and character description. Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. Thus, we find the modern film depiction of the trouble of a man during the depression is being shaped by the ancient struggles of Odysseus in Homeris iOdyssey.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (2002) Should be repeale Research Paper

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (2002) Should be repeale - Research Paper Example However, because of its definitive character, the BIAPA also has a sweeping effect on U.S. Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, which legalizes abortion. For the proponents of abortion rights, the BIAPA has reduced the legal bounds of abortion. For them and some medical practitioners, there are certain â€Å"situations involving human life (that) sometimes involve complex ethical challenges.† (Religious Tolerance) It is in this respect that the pro-choice camp as well as the advocates of reproductive health rights has raised anew calls for the repeal of the BIAPA. For many years, after the U.S. Supreme Court made a final and executory decision on Roe v. Wade, abortion has been considered legal in the country. The decision is not to be taken as a mere rule that declares abortion as legal. It must be understood in the context that it grants recognition for the rights of women to determine what is best for their reproductive health. It has enshrined such rights alongside the basic freedoms stated in the Constitution. The decision also strengthened the growing international movement for the women’s right to determine their own lives, free from the gender-biased secular and religious regulations. In this regard, Roe vs. Wade is one progressive legal step that makes the U.S. more advanced in terms of providing liberty and respecting the rights of its citizens, especially women, an example that the rest of the modern world can learn from and emulate. However, the BIAPA is not only an obstacle to the advancement of the rights on reproductive h ealth and self-determination. It is actually step backwards to the era prior to Roe v. Wade. While the BIAPA was still a house bill called H.R. 4292, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL) vehemently opposed it. According to them the bill attacks the very essence of Roe v. Wade. The definition of legal personhood as pointed out in the H.R. 4292, extends to premature infants who

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Paper - Essay Example Any changes in these factors of the economy can lead to the company’s planning to be affected to a great extent. Thus when an organization like Big Drive Auto requires making any specific decision or plan, like increasing the prices for fuel or the vehicles themselves, then it is essential that macro economic data is well taken into consideration. This will allow the company to rightly understand the total variation in the economic market of the country and this allows for the pricing to be more appropriate and allows the company to make higher profits. Thus the operations and the planning become more apt for the organization in terms of the whole economy of the country. There has been a strong focus on the reliability of the forecasts in terms of the macroeconomic variables. The major problems that have been noted are the ability to relate to the balance between the aggregate demand and the aggregate supply. Thus to ensure complete reliability of the macroeconomic variables, it is essential to place a focus on the balance of the aggregate demand and the aggregate supply. This can be the demand side policy which generally seeks to influence the level of spending in the economy and the supply side policy which mainly directly influence the level of production. There are a number of uncertainties that are faced by companies in terms of the macroeconomic forecast. In recent researches there has been a clear that the private sector tends to face issues which are related to the rational bias. The uncertainty of the macroeconomics forecasts can be dealt with, by a thorough study and understanding of the various prices of the number of units sold across different locations. This however requires to be analyzed by choosing a wide range of locations and over a number of years. Also as the value of oil and coolants are affected by the economic condition of the country, hence a focus should be made on the

Business research methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business research methods - Assignment Example In the case presented, it would prove impractical and impossible to carry a study that involves over 2000 fast food restaurants. Hence, there is a salient need for sampling. Researchers have identified two categories of sampling technique names, probability sampling and non-probability sampling. For the research on fast food restaurants mentioned, it becomes critical to identify the most appropriate method of sampling that will yield a reliable sample for the research. In a bid to identify the appropriate one, an overview of both sampling methods will be presented. Their implications will also be highlighted and eventually the most appropriate method will be identified (Acharya et al 2013, p. 332). Probability sampling is one of the common techniques used by many researchers when they require yielding a sample that can be used in their research. The basis of probability sampling is randomization. At such randomization, the researcher ensures that each item or entity in the target population has an equal chance of being part of the sample (Uprichard 2013, p. 9). Experts have highlighted that probability sampling eliminates the need for systematic and sampling biases. The main objective in probability sampling is ensuring that the sample serves as an effective representative of the targeted population (Acharya et al 2013, p. 332). Notably, such a representative sample is required by researchers for making generalizations about the targeted population. This is the reason why researchers need to be careful when sampling. There are different techniques of achieving the probability sampling, which have been widely used by different researchers (Uprichard 2013, p. 5). One of the common types of probability sampling is the simple random sampling, which may either be done mechanically or using computer software. The basis of simple random sampling is making an all-inclusive list of the entities in the population and then engaging in a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Horizontal and Vertical Financial Analysis - PepsiCo vs Coca-Cola Essay

Horizontal and Vertical Financial Analysis - PepsiCo vs Coca-Cola - Essay Example The structure of this article is framed in such a manner that firstly income statements of both the companies are analyzed on horizontal and then on vertical basis. Next section is based on the analysis of balance sheets for the two companies on horizontal basis and then followed by vertical analysis. The major components of income statements are analyzed for both the companies in respect of cost of goods sold, operating income, income before taxes and finally net income. Cost of sales for PepsiCo is around 43% of the sales whereas the same for Coca-Cola is around 35% of the sales which is substantially lower than that of PepsiCo. In respect of operating profits, Coca-Cola has also an edge over PepsiCo such that its operating income is around 26% of the sales whereas PepsiCo remained behind and has the operating profit of just around 18%. Coca-Cola remained successful in maintaining a healthy position in respect of its income before taxes such that it managed to earn income before ta xes around 28% of the sales whereas PepsiCo hardly managed to earn income before taxes of around hardly 19% of the sales. Net income for Coca-Cola has remained on a stronger side pursuing around 21% of its sales. On the other hand, PepsiCo just managed to earn net income of 13% of its sales in the three years. Following are the attached tables for percentage change on horizontal basis for two companies.... s 19.60 18.95 18.51 Provision for Income Taxes 7.08 4.69 5.28 Income from Continuing Operations 12.52 14.26 13.23 Tax Benefit from Discontinued Operations 0.00 0.13 0.00 Net Income 12.52 14.39 13.23 Coca Cola Inc.                Income Statement    Horizontal Analysis 2005    2004    2003 Net Operating Revenues 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cost of Goods Sold 35.47    35.30    37.28 GROSS PROFIT 64.53 64.70 62.72 Selling, general and administrative expenses 37.82 36.29 34.94 Other operating charges 0.37    2.21    2.75 OPERATING INCOME 26.34 26.21 25.03 Interest income 1.02 0.72 0.84 Interest expense 1.04 0.90 0.85 Equity income — net 2.94 2.86 1.95 Other loss — net (0.40) (0.38) (0.66) Gains on issuances of stock by equity investees 0.10    0.11    0.04 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 28.96 28.62 26.35 Income taxes 7.87 6.32 5.50 NET INCOME 21.09    22.29    20.84                   Income Statement Analysis on Vertical Basis In respect of vertical analysis, PepsiCo is found to have earned much more growth as compared to Coca-Cola such that PepsiCo’s revenues increased by 8% and 11% respectively as compared to previous years whereas Coca-Cola’s revenues increased with 4% and 6% during the same periods. Operating profits of PepsiCo increased by around 10% and 12% as compared to previous years, however, only 9% and 7% increase in operating income for Coca-Cola can be observed. Net income of PepsiCo decreased by 3.18% as compared to previous year but Coca-Cola managed to increase its net income by 0.52%. Following tables highlight the comparative vertical analysis for both companies. PepsiCo Inc.       Income Statement    Vertical Analysis 2005 2004 Net Revenue 11.28 8.49 Cost of sales 11.85 8.41 Selling, general and administrative expenses 11.63 8.70 Amortization of intangible

Friday, July 26, 2019

Microeconomics issue-airline market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microeconomics issue-airline market - Essay Example However, these airlines can justify their imposition of penalties in the terms of microeconomics. These fees, according to a source in the market says has been implemented to discourage people from making irrational booking at the online source of airline. If we link this statement to the lens of microeconomics, we can see that this fee has been imposed to even out or to pay for the social costs of ticket changing or cancelations. Theses social costs may include additional cost for the company to change tickets, cancel booking of each tickets etc. Furthermore, as a result of ticket cancellations, it may happen that many planes of the company would operate below their capacity and hence incur social costs like additional fuel, additional clerical costs to change or cancel the tickets, some people who will be in need to travel urgently will be denied a ticket because company may be assuming that it has sold all the tickets and at the last minute they will find out that some of the pass engers have either returned or changed their tickets. This is a social cost to the entire society and thus higher prices imposed through these penalties are going to reduce irrational buying and reduce the quantity of tickets bought and hence reduce the societal costs, which are discussed above. Another article also makes a good assumption that since these costs are incurred for the benefits of the society they should be used to counter the life-threatening diseases that are prevalent in the society. A United Nations program has raised around $1.2 billion from a small fee that was added to airline fares. The program was that passengers were asked to contribute voluntarily towards the programme by adding a small amount to their total ticket fare. This program was a success and raised huge amount of funds for the United Nations. However, if this program would have forcefully increased the ticket prices, than this would have been disastrous for the airline

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assessing The Current Administration In Your Church Research Paper

Assessing The Current Administration In Your Church - Research Paper Example Administration and management describes to the organization’s individual processes and assists institution utilize their resources effectively. In our church, administration is all about growing the people. Administration is very important if the church has to realize its mission2. Church management or administration is an art, a gift, and a science. As an art, administration entails relational timing, intuition, and sensitivity. The skills of these artistic individuals are mostly natural talents but can be improved to some extent through training and experience. As a science, the management of church entails processes that can be learned through practice and study. In the book of 1 Corinthians 12:38, Apostle Paul defines administration as a spiritual gift. Various translations of the New Statement describe this gift with phrases such as forms of leadership, workers of spiritual power, power to guide, and governments3. Our church’s administration firmly believes in the leadership of the holy spirit even as the church relies on the direction of the church leaders. Good administration starts with the purpose of the church and attempts to assist the church in realizing its purpose. Church management and administration permits the church to yoke individuals and use material resources in an effective manner. It is important to states that administrative department of the church should consist of the following five purposes and they include human/personnel resources, accounts/finance, information technology (IT), and maintenance unit. Every purpose should entail a unit/team in the church for effectiveness and ease of administration. Thus, everything done in the church must follow the five purposes4. In our church, there are several departments/ministries including youth, children, ushering, worship, among others. The various ministries work together to achieve the five purposes mainly through the leaders and with the participation of the lay people. The strategic design of a church based ministry is a collection of all the strategic plans of the different departments or arms of the church. For instance, the children’s group leader should design a strategic plan (short or long-term plan) for children ministry. The plan is based on the vision that was offered to the pastor5. The rest of the strategic plans are brought together, discussed and agreed upon to be the action guide for the ministry to carry out its vision. As aforementioned, planning can be long or short-term6. In our church, plans are normally drawn by the church leaders that cover the activities to be done for the entire year. A church strategic plan can entail a strategic spiritual growth plan. This plan entails an understandable programme of events that enables the members of the church to grow spiritually. It is important to note here that the relevance of the programmes matters a lot. At times, it is better to list programmes for spaced growth of the people. Individuals do not grow through the church programs but by what they do at their homes through the teachings, they received7. Each ministry in our church normally comes up with a strategic plan for the spiritual growth of the church. These plans are discussed, ironed out and implemented by the church administration. Planning is thinking about how

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Netflix & Qwikster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Netflix & Qwikster - Essay Example The author explains the organization’s changes in its service delivery was too fast and elicited negative responses from its customers. The organization’s Chief Executive Officer, Reed Hastings admitted this in one of his interviews with Nightline. Netflix never reviewed the plan before its launch and it admits to have made a mistake in its communication of the change. The organization also offered an apology to its customers even though at least 600000 of the customers had recalled their subscriptions. The announcement that restricted Netflix to streaming and established Qwikster to handle DVDs-by-mail drew negative comments on the organization’s Facebook page and was fast because the organization had not even acquired ownership of the @Qwikster Twitter account. The company’s chief executive however explained that despite the weaknesses in communicating the change plan, an internal change to separating the two services was significant to improving the org anization’s service delivery. Netflix’s competitors such as also utilized the period to make deals with content providers. The organization had however been successful since its establishment in the year 1997 with such milestones as DVDs-by-mail services in the year 1999 and live-streaming in the year 2010 (Effron, 2011). Woo also explains the case and offer complimentary details. Netflix was a highly regarded company and its Chief Executive Officer renown in the industry before the announcement to split itself into two independent organizations. This followed a previous announcement that increased the organization’s prices by about 60 percent. These factors had adverse effects on Netflix’s market control that transferred to its share prices. This influenced a change from the separation decision but the raised prices were retained. In addition to the fall in stock prices, that dropped by up to 60 percent, investors exerted direct pressure on th e CEO because of the changes that were announced. Analysts also degraded marketability of the organization’s shares, following the announcement, a speculation that could add to the declining stock prices at the time. Effects of such decisions that force an organization to make rescissions have however occurred in the past with organizations such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Delta air (Woo, 2011). How Netflix chose to convey the business model change and what went wrong with the communication plan Netflix chose to communicate the business model through a formal decision by its executives. This is the company’s approach to decision making and informed the initial decision to split the company. The formal approach to the communication, as opposed to informal communications that the Chief Executive Officer makes in social media also communicates the official approach of the decision that must have been handled by the company’s executives. Deliberation among the executiv es, as occurred in deciding on the split, was therefore the strategy to deciding on the strategy for communicating the change model (Bevin122, 2011). Reaction to Netflix’s strategy to handling the public outcry, success in alleviating the perceived problem, and the organization’s image following the attempt to alleviate the perceived problem I believe that Netflix’s decision to rescind its initial plans for separating its

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Find appropriate title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Find appropriate title - Essay Example related to the way work was distributed, planning and organising work, types of skills possessed by employees, measuring and rewarding performance, standardization of best suitable methods of working and defining the role of each employee, group, function and/or unit. Subsequently, the Managerial Grid was proposed by Blake and Mouton (1964/1971) in which the interplay of three organisational universals, i.e. people, production and hierarchy, is studied through a grid depicting different ways how managers are concerned about production and people and their impact on each other. A transition of management perception towards human relations begun with Hawthorne studies conducted by Elton Mayo, which proved that variations in external environment impacted performance of the workers; variations in pay in the form of performance incentives motivated workers to perform better; increased social interactions that occurred between work motivated workers in turn leading to higher productivity (Dixon, 2003). These theories and others explain how different perspectives, i.e. planning and organising work, organisational structure and systems, and human relations, have an impact on effective management, contrary to my approach which has more often been authorit ative and less inclined towards human relations. The most essential requirement for effective management is ‘leadership.’ For a manager to be successful he/she should exemplify qualities of a leader; however, a person may not be in a managerial position to emerge as a leader. Hence, leadership qualities such as the ability to influence, create a vision, and ability for doing the right things help a manager to become more effective. For instance, Tripathi (2008) sums up leadership as characterized by existence of followers; involving a community of interests between leader and the followers; unequal distribution of authority; and guiding followers towards the right direction. However, management focuses on

Monday, July 22, 2019

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Example for Free

iTunes and the Future of Music Essay Through its iTunes, iPod, and proprietary music software, Apple dominates the legal music download industry. But with the iPod contributing half of all the firm’s revenues, Apple faces intensifying competition posed by imitators such as the joint venture between Microsoft and MTV, and Samsung’s Helix. In addition to the competitive pressures, iPod also faces legal challenges. In France for example, legal enactments that compel firms with proprietary music management software to open their code to others are about to be passed. Such a law will also standardize formats across the industry so that songs from one vendor could be played on a digital player from any other system. Apple has also had to stare down the four largest record labels as far as pricing is concerned. While the four largest record labels preferred variable pricing in order to maximize earnings, Apple successfully argued for the flat 99 cents price which is more competitive (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). The success of Apple illustrates how commitment to the marketing orientation philosophy is useful in ensuring organizational success. Unlike the major record labels which insisted on selling music packaged in CDs, Apple realized that music consumers’ tastes and preferences had shifted in favour of the more convenient digital format, and developed a product around such needs. Through the strategy of product development as identified by the Ansoff Matrix, we see Apple adding on to its product line music videos, popular TV shows, and short movies (Mercer, 1996). Apart from the product, Apple also got other elements of its marketing mix right. In particular, its adoption of the flat $0. 99 price rather than the variable pricing pushed by major record labels ensures that the product remains competitive. Its ability to bundle together its three products the iPod, iTunes and proprietary music software is also a smart marketing gimmick that has enabled it to lock in customers (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4). Apple derives its sustainable competitive advantage from its proprietary music software as well as its unique player iPod. By enacting laws that allow Apple’s rivals access to its code, and by standardizing formats across the industry so that songs from other vendors could play from the iPod and vice versa, the new regulations will in essence be eroding the source of the competitive advantage enjoyed by Apple in the digital music industry. For that reason, should the French legislation succeed, it would be better for Apple to pull iTunes out of the French market (Boone and Kurtz, 2008, ch. 4).

Philip Pirrip Essay Example for Free

Philip Pirrip Essay The initial information that we derive from the opening paragraph is that, Philip Pirrip is known as Pip. Both of Pips parents have died, his tombstone, which informs us that his father has died and the inscription on this Also Georgina Wife of the Above. We immediately feel sympathy for Pip as he says I never saw my father or my mother, not even in a photograph. He does have a very vivid imagination however and from the tombstone the shape of the letters on my fathers gave me an odd idea that he was a square, stout, dark man, with curly black hair. This shows, from the slightest thing Pips imagination runs riot. Our hearts extend even more to the grief stricken Pip when we discover his five brothers are also dead, Sacred to the memory of five little brothers of mine, we perceive him to be a helpless young boy. We soon discover that he lives with his sister, and her husband, who is a blacksmith, as he replies when asked Who dye live with, My sister, sir Mrs Joe Gargery wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir. The question is asked by a fearful man Pip encounters in the graveyard whilst visiting the graves of his deceased family. Dickens presents this man in a very explicit manner, this is to contrast the two characters. A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin. Pip pleads in terror pray, he is scared for his own safety, willingly he replies to any questions the man, a convict, poses to him. Dickens explicitly expresses Pips worry I was frightened again. We realise Pips sister is twenty years older and once more we feel for Pip, she had bought me up by hand. Pip finds homage from his terrible start in life and his meeting with the convict in Joe Gargery, his sisters husband, who Pip says was a fair man, he was a mild, good natured, sweet tempered, easy going dear fellow. In saying this he indicates to us his fondness of him. Dickens conveys the idea of his rough mistreatment by his sister, he reiterates the harshness of her care for Pip, by throwing me, and shes been on the rampage. Although Pip is young, he still has underminding values and thoughts, the guilty knowledge that I was going to rob Mrs Joe. He is always asking questions showing he is inquisitive. We also find out he is to be apprenticed to Joe showing his future appears mapped out and following a set route.  The character of Pip before his visit to Miss Havisham is one of admiration and security. Joe perceives Pip to be wonderful, what a scholar you are! He shows admiration for Pip, he is proud of his achievements, I should like to be. Pip in turn admires Joe. When I m pren gtd 2 u Jo wot larx. Showing hes looking forward to working with Joe. Joe and Pip are friends, Pip realises the goodness of Joe, Young as I was, I believe that I dated a new admiration of Joe from that night. We were equals, as we had been before I had a new sensation of feeling conscious that I was looking up to Joe in my heart, this shows Pips growing maturity, he sees and appreciates his relationship with Joe. Dickens portrays Joe as a loving, caring minder for Pip, and bring the poor little child. God bless the poor little child, and by saying that theres room for him at the forge Joe shows he has Pips best interests at heart. The crucial turning point and change in Pips character occurs during chapter 8 when Pip visits Miss Havishams. His initial reaction to Satis House, Miss Havishams residence, is one of apprehension, he doesnt think it looks friendly, old brick, and dismal, and had a great many iron bars to it. After his view of the house his outlook of the forthcoming acquaintance with Miss Havisham looks bleak. Pip is very shy when he meets Estella, he sees her as above him as his use of the term conductress shows. The meeting with Miss Havisham devastates the young happy Pip.  Pip is told what to do by Miss Havisham let me see you play cards, to which Estella replies why, he is a common labouring boy which hurts Pip, he feels upset at the scornful remark. Miss Havisham herself is cruel, she appears to enjoy making fun of Pip, she asks him what he thinks of Estella which causes Pip great discomfort, I dont like to say. Estella is constantly tormenting Pip, the turning point is when she exclaims he calls the knaves, Jacks, this boy! Adding and what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots! Pip feels ashamed, he reflects immediately on Estellas hurtful remarks I had never thought of being ashamed of my hands before; but I began to consider them a very indifferent pair. He relays his true emotions I was so humiliated, hurt, spurned, offended, angry, sorry, tears started to my eyes which shows he has clearly been affected by these remarks. Pips immediate angry reaction is to blame Joe for his upbringing, he determined to ask Joe why he had ever taught me to call those picture cards, Jacks. He wishes Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too. This shows he wishes he could have an education. Pip sums up his meeting with Miss Havesham, I had seen, and deeply revolving that I was a common labouring boy; that my hands were coarse; that my boots were thick; that I had fallen into a despicable habit of calling Knaves, Jacks; that I was much more ignorant than I had considered myself last night, and generally that I was in a low-lived bad way. The quote shows Pips new outlook towards himself, and his new considered view of his image. Dickens uses the word despicable, this represents how Pip feels about himself at the present moment in time. After the visit to Miss Haveshams, Pip returns back home, the visit has greatly affected his self-esteem, bringing the character of Pip forward in a new light. Pip lies to his sister and Mr Pumblechook, about the dealings of his visit, I felt convinced that if I describes Miss Havesham as my eyes had seen it, I should not be understood. Showing Pip finds it easier to lie, than to face the truth about Estella and Miss Havesham. He doesnt want his sister not Mr Pumblechook, to find out the truth, I said as little as I could. Showing he has no intention of revealing anything about his encounter.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Respiratory System And Disease Health And Social Care Essay

The Respiratory System And Disease Health And Social Care Essay There are two lungs in the human chest; the right lung is composed of three incomplete divisions called lobes, and the left lung has two, leaving room for the heart. The right lung accounts for 55% of total gas volume and the left lung for 45%. Lung tissue is spongy due to very small (200 to 300  ¿Ã‚ ½ 10 ¿Ã‚ ½6 m diameter in normal lungs at rest) gas-filled cavities called alveoli, which are the ultimate structures for gas exchange. There are 250 million to 350 million alveoli in the adult lung, with a total alveolar surface area of 50 to 100 m2 depending on the degree of lung inflation (2). Conducting Airways Air is transported from the atmosphere to the alveoli beginning with the oral and nasal cavities, through the pharynx (in the throat), past the glottal opening, and into the trachea or windpipe. Conduction of air begins at the larynx, or voice box, at the entrance to the trachea, which is a fibromuscular tube 10 to 12 cm in length and 1.4 to 2.0 cm in diameter. At a location called the carina, the trachea terminates and divides into the left and right bronchi. Each bronchus has a discontinuous cartilaginous support in its wall. Muscle fibers capable of controlling airway diameter are incorporated into the walls of the bronchi, as well as in those of air passages closer to the alveoli. Smooth muscle is present throughout the respiratory bronchiolus and alveolar ducts but is absent in the last alveolar duct, which terminates in one to several alveoli. The alveolar walls are shared by other alveoli and are composed of highly pliable and collapsible squamous epithelium cells. The bronchi subdivide into subbronchi, which further subdivide into bronchioli, which further subdivide, and so on, until finally reaching the alveolar level. Each airway is considered to branch into two subairways. In the adult human there are considered to be 23 such branchings, or generations, beginning at the trachea and ending in the alveoli. Movement of gases in the respiratory airways occurs mainly by bulk flow (convection) throughout the region from the mouth to the nose to the fifteenth generation. Beyond the fifteenth generation, gas diffusion is relatively more important. With the low gas velocities that occur in diffusion, dimensions of the space over which diffusion occurs (alveolar space) must be small for adequate oxygen delivery into the walls; smaller alveoli are more efficient in the transfer of gas than are larger ones (2). Alveoli Alveoli are the structures through which gases diffuse to and from the body. To ensure gas exchange occurs efficiently, alveolar walls are extremely thin. For example, the total tissue thickness between the inside of the alveolus to pulmonary capillary blood plasma is only about 0.4  ¿Ã‚ ½ 10 ¿Ã‚ ½6 m. Consequently, the principal barrier to diffusion occurs at the plasma and red blood cell level, not at the alveolar membrane (2). Movement of Air In and Out of the Lungs and the Pressures That Cause the Movement Pleural Pressure Is the pressure of the fluid in the thin space between the lung pleura and the chest wall pleura. Alveolar pressure Is the pressure of the air inside the lung alveoli. To cause inward flow of air into the alveoli during inspiration, the pressure in the alveoli must fall to a value slightly below atmospheric pressure. Transpulmonary pressure It is the pressure difference between that in the alveoli and that on the outer surfaces of the lungs, and it is a measure of the elastic forces in the lungs that tend to collapse the lungs at each instant of espiration, called the recoil pressure. Compliance of the Lungs The extent to which the lungs will expand for each unit increase in transpulmonary pressure (if enough time is allowed to reach equilibrium) is called the lung compliance. The total compliance of both lungs together in the normal adult human being averages about 200 milliliters of air per centimeter of water transpulmonary pressure (3). Figure 2. Compliance diagram of lungs in a healthy person (3). Pathophysiology of Weaning Failure Reversible aetiologies for weaning failure can be categorized in: Respiratory load, cardiac load, neuromuscular competence, critical illness neuromuscular abnormalities (CIMMA), neuropsychological factors, and metabolic and endocrine disorders. Respiratory load The decision to attempt discontinuation of mechanical ventilation has largely been based on the clinician ¿Ã‚ ½s assessment that the patient is haemodynamically stable, awake, the disease process has been treated adequately and that indices of minimal ventilator dependency are present. The success of weaning will be dependent on the ability of the respiratory muscle pump to tolerate the load placed upon it. This respiratory load is a function of the resistance and compliance of the ventilator pump. Excess work of breathing (WOB) may be imposed by inappropriate ventilator settings resulting in ventilator dysynchrony (4). Reduced pulmonary compliance may be secondary to pneumonia, cardiogenic or noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary haemorrhage or other diseases causing diffuse pulmonary infiltrates (5). Cardiac load Many patients have identified ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, systolic or diastolic dysfunction prior to, or identified during, their critical illness. More subtle and less easily recognized are those patients with myocardial dysfunction, which is only apparent when exposed to the workload of weaning (5). Neuromuscular competence Liberation from mechanical ventilation requires the resumption of neuromuscular activity to overcome the impedance of the respiratory system, to meet metabolic demands and to maintain carbon dioxide homeostasis. This requires an adequate signal generation in the central nervous system, intact transmission to spinal respiratory motor neurons, respiratory muscles and neuromuscular junctions. Disruption of any portion of this transmission may contribute to weaning failure (5). Critical illness neuromuscular abnormalities CINMA are the most common peripheral neuromuscular disorders encountered in the ICU setting and usually involve both muscle and nerve (6). Psychological dysfunction Delirium, or acute brain dysfunction: Is a disturbance of the level of cognition and arousal and, in ICU patients, has been associated with many modifiable risk factors, including: use of psychoactive drugs; untreated pain; prolonged immobilisation; hypoxaemia; anaemia; sepsis; and sleep deprivation (7). Anxiety and depression: Many patients suffer significant anxiety during their ICU stay and the process of weaning from mechanical ventilation. These memories of distress may remain for years (8). Metabolic disturbances Hypophosphataemia, hypomagnesaemia and hypokalaemia all cause muscle weakness. Hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism may also contribute to difficulty weaning (5). Nutrition Overweight: The mechanical effects of obesity with decreased respiratory compliance, high closing volume/functional residual capacity ratio and elevated WOB might be expected to impact on the duration of mechanical ventilation (5). Ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction and critical illness oxidative stress Ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction and critical illness oxidative stress is defined as loss of diaphragm force-generating capacity that is specifically related to use of controlled mechanical ventilation (9). Clinical Presentation of Patients Patients can be classified into three groups according to the difficulty and length of the weaning process. The simple weaning, group 1, includes patients who successfully pass the initial spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) and are successfully extubated on the first attempt. Group 2, difficult weaning, includes patients who require up to three SBT or as long as 7 days from the first SBT to achieve successful weaning. Group 3, prolonged weaning, includes patients who require more than three SBT or more than 7 days of weaning after the first SBT (5). Clinical Outcomes and Epidemiology There is much evidence that weaning tends to be delayed, exposing the patient to unnecessary discomfort and increased risk of complications (5). Time spent in the weaning process represents 40 ¿Ã‚ ½50% of the total duration of mechanical ventilation (10) (11). ESTEBAN et al. (10) demonstrated that mortality increases with increasing duration of mechanical ventilation, in part because of complications of prolonged mechanical ventilation, especially ventilator-associated pneumonia and airway trauma (12). The incidence of unplanned extubation ranges 0.3 ¿Ã‚ ½16%. In most cases (83%), the unplanned extubation is initiated by the patient, while 17% are accidental. Almost half of patients with self-extubation during the weaning period do not require reintubation, suggesting that many patients are maintained on mechanical ventilation longer than is necessary (5). Increase in the extubation delay between readiness day and effective extubation significantly increases mortality. In the study by COPLIN et al. (13), mortality was 12% if there was no delay in extubation and 27% when extubation was delayed. Failure of extubation is associated with high mortality rate, either by selecting for high-risk patients or by inducing deleterious effects such as aspiration, atelectasis and pneumonia (5). Rate of weaning failure after a single SBT is reported to be 26 ¿Ã‚ ½ 42%. Variation in the rate of weaning failure among studies is due to differences in the definition of weaning failure. VALLVERDU et al. (14) reported that weaning failure occurred in as many as 61% of COPD patients, in 41% of neurological patients and in 38% of hypoxaemic patients. Contradictory results exist regarding the rate of weaning success among neurological patients. The study by COPLIN et al. (13) demonstrated that 80% of patients with a Glasgow coma score of more than 8 and 91% of patients with a Glasgow coma score less than 4 were successfully extubated. In 2,486 patients from six studies, 524 patients failed SBT and 252 failed extubation after passing SBT, leading to a total weaning failure rate of 31.2% (5). The vast majority of patients who fail a SBT do so because of an imbalance between respiratory muscle capacity and the load placed on the respiratory system. High airway resistance and low respiratory system compliance contribute to the increased work of breathing necessary to breathe and can lead to unsuccessful liberation from mechanical ventilation (15). Economic Impact Mechanical ventilation is mostly used in the intensive care units (ICU) of hospitals. ICUs typically consume more than 20% of the financial resources of a hospital (16). A study that analyzed the incidence, cost, and payment of the Medicare intensive care unit use in the United States (US) reveled that mechanical ventilation costs a sum close to US$2,200 per day (17). One study shows that patients in the ICUs receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation represents 6% of all ventilated patients but consume 37% of intensive care unit (ICU) resources (18). Another study corroborates this numbers also showing that 5% to 10% of ICU patients require prolonged mechanical ventilation, and this patient group consumes more than or as much as 50% of ICU patient days and ICU resources. Prolonged ventilatory support and chronic ventilator dependency, both in the ICU and non-ICU settings, have a significant and growing impact on healthcare economics (19). Summary TREATMENT OPTIONS WEANING FAILURE Overview The process of initial weaning from the ventilator begins with an assessment regarding readiness for weaning. It is then followed by SBT as a diagnostic test to determine the possibility of a successful extubation. For the majority of patients, the entire weaning process involves confirmation that the patient is ready for extubation. Patients who meet the criteria in table 2 should be considered as being ready to wean from mechanical ventilation. These criteria are fundamental to estimate the likelihood of a successful SBT in order to avoid trials in patients with a high probability of failure (5). Table 2 Criteria for Assessing Readiness to Wean Clinical Assessment Adequate cough Absence of excessive tracheobronchial secretion Resolution of disease acute phase for which the patient was intubated Objective measurements Clinical stability Stable cardiovascular status (i.e. fC =140 beats*min-1, systolic BP 90 ¿Ã‚ ½160 mmHg, no or minimal vasopressors) Stable metabolic status Adequate oxygenation Sa,O2 >90% on =FI,O2 0.4 (or Pa,O2/FI,O2 =150 mmHg) PEEP =8 cmH2O Adequate pulmonary function f =35 breaths*min-1 PImax =-20 ¿Ã‚ ½ -25 cmH2O Ve < 10 l*min-1 P0.1/PImax < 0.3 VT >5 mL*kg-1 VC >10 mL*kg-1 f/VT 13 ml*breaths-1*min-1 No significant respiratory acidosis Adequate mentation No sedation or adequate mentation on sedation (or stable neurologic patient) Taken from (5) and (15). fC: cardiac frequency; BP: blood pressure; Sa,O2: arterial oxygen saturation; FI,O2: inspiratory oxygen fraction; Pa,O2: arterial oxygen tension; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; f: respiratory frequency; PImax: maximal inspiratory pressure; VT: tidal volume; VC: vital capacity; CROP: integrative index of compliance. 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa. According to an expert panel, among these criteria only seven variables have some predictive potential: minute ventilation (VE), maximum inspiratory pressure (PImax), tidal volume (VT), breathing frequency (f), the ratio of breathing frequency to tidal volume (f/VT), P0.1/PImax (ratio of airway occlusion pressure 0.1 s after the onset of inspiratory effort to maximal inspiratory pressure), and CROP (integrative index of compliance, rate, oxygenation, and pressure) (20) . Minute Ventilation Minute ventilation is the total lung ventilation per minute, the product of tidal volume and respiration rate (21). It is measure by assessing the amount of gas expired by the patients lungs. Mathematicly, minute ventilation can be calculated after this formula: V_E=V_T ¿Ã‚ ½f It is reported that a VE less than 10 litres/minute is associated with weaning success (22). Other studies found that VE values more than 15-20 litres/minute are helpful in identifying if a patient is unlikely to be liberated from mechanical ventilation but lower values were not helpful in predicting successful liberation (15). A more recent study concluded that short VE recovery times (3-4 minutes) after a 2-hour SBT can help in determining respiratory reserve and predict the success of extubation (23). When mechanical ventilation takes place, this parameter is calculated monitoring flow and pressure by the ventilator in use itself or by an independent device attached to the airway circulation system such as the Respironics NM3 ¿Ã‚ ½ by Phillips Medical. Other ways to determine minute ventilation are by measuring the impedance across the thoracic cavity (24). This method though, is invasive and requires implanted electrodes. Maximal Inspiratory Pressure Maximal inspiration pressure is the maximum pressure within the alveoli of the lungs that occurs during a full inspiration (21). Is it commonly used to test respiratory muscle strength. On patients in the ICU or those not capable to cooperate, the PImax is measured by occluding the end of the endotracheal tube for a period of time close to 22 seconds with a one-way valve that only allows the patient to exhale. This configuration leads to increasing inspiratory effort measuring PImax towards the end of the occlusion period. However PImax is not enough to predict reliably the likeliness of successful weaning due to low specifity (15). The measurement of PImax can be performed by devices equipped with pressure sensors. Tidal Volume Tidal volume is the amount of air inhaled and exhaled during normal ventilation (21). Spontaneous tidal volumes greater than 5 ml/kg can predict weaning outcome (25). More recent studies found that a technique that measures the amount of regularity in a series analyzing approximate entropy of tidal volume and breathing frequency patterns is a useful indicator of reversibility of respiratory failure. A low approximate entropy that reflects regular tidal volume and respiratory frequency patterns is a good indicator of weaning success (26). Tidal volume can be measured using a pneumotachographic device. Breathing Frequency The degree of regularity in the pattern of the breathing frequency shown by approximate entropy rather than the absolute value of the breathing frequency is been proven to be useful in discriminating between weaning success and failure (26). The breathing rate or frequency is measured by counting the breathing cycles per a defined period of time. The Ratio of Breathing Frequency to Tidal Volume Yang and Tobin [18] then performed a prospective study of 100 medical patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the ICU in which they demonstrated that the ratio of frequency to tidal volume (rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI)) obtained during the first 1 minute of a T-piece trial and at a threshold value of =105 breaths/minute/l was a significantly better predictor of weaning outcomes However, there remains a principle shortcoming in the RSBI: it can produce excessive false positive predictions (that is, patients fail weaning outcome even when RSBI is =105 breaths/minute/l) [35-36] Also, the RSBI has less predictive power in the care of patients who need ventilatory support for more than 8 days and may be less useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and elderly patients [37-39]. The Ratio of Airway Occlusion Pressure to Maximal Inspiratory Pressure The airway occlusion pressure (P0.1) is the pressure measured at the airway opening 0.1 s after inspiring against an occluded airway [42]. The P0.1 is effort independent and correlates well with central respiratory drive. When combined with PImax, the P0.1/PImax ratio at a value of 13 ml/breaths/minute offers a reasonably accurate predictor of weaning mechanical ventilation outcome. In 81 COPD patients, Alvisi and colleagues [39] showed that a CROP index at a threshold value of >16 ml/breaths/minute is a good predictor of weaning outcome. However, one disadvantage of the CROP index is that it is somewhat cumbersome to use in the clinical setting as it requires measurements of many variables with the potential risk of errors in the measurement techniques or the measuring device, which can significantly affect the value of the CROP index. Clinical Treatment Profiles CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

Saturday, July 20, 2019

HOW TO USE CABLE NUT :: essays research papers

CABLENUT ADJUSTER v4.08 Copyright (C) 2000,2001 CableNut Software - ------------------------------------------------------ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):, has a frequently asked questions guide as well as other content about the CableNut Software. INSTALLATION: The CableNut Adjuster is compatible with Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP each CCS file is tagged with an Operating System specific tag to show what Operating System it is compatible for. Explanation of specific terms are found below. 2K = Windows NT/2000/XP supported 9X = Windows 95/98/98SE/ME supported Cable_normal = Cable connections that can support up to 250KB/sec Cable_fast = Cable connections that can support over 250KB/sec Adsl_normal = Adsl connections that do not have the 1.5Mbps speed package Adsl_fast = Adsl connections that can achieve 1.5Mbps speed, or more ------------------------------------------------------ ADJUSTER.EXE  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Main CableNut program CABLENUT.HLP CableNut help file UNINST-CABLENUT.EXE CableNut uninstaller OFFICIAL SITE.URL Official CableNut site README.TXT Software readme info ..CCS/ CableNut Custom Settings (CCS) sub-folder 56K/ 56K_9X.CCS Dialup 56K modem tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME 56K_2K.CCS Dialup 56K modem tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP Cable/ CABLE_NORMAL_9X.CCS Cable broadband tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME CABLE_NORMAL_2K.CCS Cable broadband tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP CABLE_FAST_9X.CCS Cable broadband tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME CABLE_FAST_2K.CCS Cable broadband tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP Adsl/ ADSL_NORMAL_9X.CCS Adsl broadband tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME ADSL_NORMAL_2K.CCS Adsl broadband tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP ADSL_FAST_9X.CCS Adsl broadband tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME ADSL_FAST_2K.CCS Adsl broadband tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP Satellite/ SATELLITE_9X.CCS Satellite Internet tweak file for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME SATELLITE_2K.CCS Satellite Internet tweak file for Windows NT/2000/XP ------------------------------------------------------ GETTING STARTED: 1. Locate the CCS sub-folder in the CableNut folder. (This can either be done by the desktop shortcut, the start menu shortcut, or by locating the CableNut install folder.) ------------------------------------------------------ 2. Run the CableNut Adjuster program. (Adjuster.exe - shortcuts are on the desktop, and in the start menu.) ------------------------------------------------------ 3. Select 'Open Custom Settings File' from the file menu. (This will load a specific CCS file into the Adjuster.) ------------------------------------------------------ 4. Select the correct CCS file that corresponds to your Internet connection. (All of the CableNut CCS files are located in the CCS sub-folder.) ------------------------------------------------------ 5. Click open on your selected CCS file. ------------------------------------------------------ 6. The values for the specific CCS will show. ------------------------------------------------------ 7. Press the 'Save to Registry' button. ------------------------------------------------------ 8. This will install the selected CableNut tweak file. ------------------------------------------------------ 9. Restart your system. (A restart is needed after every change in the Adjuster.) ------------------------------------------------------ 10. Your system is now tweaked for optimal Internet speed.

Tappan Zee Bridge Essay -- Road Route Roads Essays

Tappan Zee Bridge "A symbolic span over which Westchester and Rockland Counties will move virtually overnight, twenty years into the future" When Governor Thomas F. Dewey made this pronouncement in December of 1955, it does not seem as though even he knew how true his words would be. It took till 1989 and "Field of Dreams" to coin the phrase "If you build it they will come", but someone could have very well made the same observation during the 1950s in reference to Rockland County New York. Both of these statements cannot fully impress into the minds of readers that changes that came with the opening of a single roadway. After World War II ended there was a great difference between the number of people who wanted to buy houses and the number of houses that were available. This caused an increase of house building and a change in people's way of life. Those decades marked the beginning of the baby boom and the suburbanization of society. Areas around major cities were the most influenced by such changes and Rockland County, New York, a suburb of New York City, was no different. Every spot in Rockland County lies less then fifty miles from Columbus Circle in Manhattan. This close proximity, along with the "country-like" atmosphere, attracted many people to the area. This area was not easily accessible because it was cut off from New York City by the Hudson River. The building of the Tappan Zee Bridge in 1955 became the gateway to Rockland County and its country atmosphere. Many people flocked to this area and it soon changed dramatically from a rural landscape and agricultural economy to a bustling sub urb. The changes that came with this transformation including, population growth, land usage, and infrastructure forever cha... ...e the same dream. This dream crowds the suburbs, which are supposed to be open and roomy. Instead, growth creates mini-cities; pushing the dream suburb farther and farther out, away form the city. A prospective homebuyer seeking an affordable home on more then a quarter acre, in a country setting is rarely available. Instead prospective buyers in Rockland County see the same suburban sprawl that plagues Long Island and Westchester. Because the land has become so expensive it longer is profitable to build houses for families just starting out. Instead huge houses are built on small lots to take advantage of the land. This practice has now become the norm for developments around Rockland County. Today you can no longer look at Rockland County to fulfill that dream. Instead you must now go further and further north towards Orange or Dutchess Counties to find the subur.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Asian Carp Essay Arron Kruse 11/28/13 Choosing a spot in the Illinois River to fish or motorboat has become a very difficult task of late. Choose incorrectly and one’s boat might all of a sudden be overtaken by hundreds of fish, several dozen pounds in weight and jumping several feet out of the water. These fish are silver carp, one of several types of Asian Carp now present in many Midwest waterways. Having already overtaken and disrupted the ecosystem and economies of many Midwest waterways, the recent evidence that Asian Carp have infiltrated the Great Lakes watershed poses even more serious implications if a method of stopping them is not found. The bottom feeding common-carp was introduced to the United States in the 1800’s by immigrants who were aghast at the lack of a fish that was so prized in Asia and Europe in America. They are now well-established, but being smaller bottom-feeders they don’t pose as much of a threat as Asian Carp. Asian Carp were imported to the United States in the Early 1970’s to enhance fishing and control algae in sewage treatment areas. They were originally supposed to be held in contained areas, but very soon they escaped the breeding ponds during floods. Since then they have spread outward in a variety of ways. The silver carps ability to jump has sped its rapid expansion because it was able to jump over barriers other fish couldn’t. Adult Asian Carp have no natural predators in the US and are prolific breeders, laying hundreds of thousands of eggs at a time allowing them to spread with almost no interruption. They have also made it through lock systems as boats pas sed through. Before the dangers of Asian Carp were fully understood fishermen would sometimes use baby Asian Carp as bait which fur... ...n just a few were to traverse the lakes. It is clear that Asian Carp have found a new home in the United States. They have been able to spread easily and without almost any barriers throughout the Mississippi watershed, they are swimming on the precipice of the Great Lakes watershed. As of now they appear to be being kept out, but only by the slimmest of barriers. If they were to break through there would be very little chance at stopping them from the damage they would inflict on the wildlife and people who need the lakes for their livelihood. It is no longer just a cause for scientists and environmentalists to take up, this is a cause that threatens everybody in the Mississippi and Great Lakes Watershed. If we don’t act now we may be too late, in fact we may already be too late. Ask not what your watershed can do for you, ask what you can do for your watershed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“Murder in the Cathedral” by T. S. Eliot Essay

Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by T. S. Eliot that portrays the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170, first performed in 1935. Eliot drew heavily on the writing of Edward Grim, a clerk who was an eyewitness to the event. The play, dealing with an individual’s opposition to authority, was written at the time of rising Fascism in Central Europe, and can be taken as a protest to individuals in affected countries to oppose the Nazi regime’s subversion of the ideals of the Christian Church.[1] Some material that the producer asked Eliot to remove or replace during the writing was transformed into the poem â€Å"Burnt Norton†.[2] The action occurs between December 2 and December 29, 1170, chronicling the days leading up to the martyrdom of Thomas Becket following his absence of seven years in France. Becket’s internal struggle is the main focus of the play. The book is divided into two parts. Part one takes place in the Archbishop Thomas Becket’s hall on December 2, 1170. The play begins with a Chorus singing, foreshadowing the coming violence. The Chorus is a key part of the drama, with its voice changing and developing during the play, offering comments about the action and providing a link between the audience and the characters and action, as in Greek drama. Three priests are present, and they reflect on the absence of Becket and the rise of temporal power. A herald announces Becket’s arrival. Becket is immediately reflective about his coming martyrdom, which he embraces, and which is understood to be a sign of his own selfishness—his fatal weakness. The tempters arrive, three of whom parallel the Temptations of Christ. The first tempter offers the prospect of physical safety. Take a friend’s advice. Leave well alone, Or your goose may be cooked and eaten to the bone. The second offers power, riches and fame in serving the King. To set down the great, protect the poor, Beneath the throne of God can man do more? The third tempter suggests a coalition with the barons and a chance to resist the King. For us, Church favour would be an advantage, Blessing of Pope powerful protection In the fight for liberty. You, my Lord, In being with us, would fight a good stroke Finally, a fourth tempter urges him to seek the glory of martyrdom. You hold the keys of heaven and hell. Power to bind and loose : bind, Thomas, bind, King and bishop under your heel. King, emperor, bishop, baron, king: Becket responds to all of the tempters and specifically addresses the immoral suggestions of the fourth tempter at the end of the first act: Now is my way clear, now is the meaning plain: Temptation shall not come in this kind again. The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason. The Interlude of the play is a sermon given by Becket on Christmas morning 1170. It is about the strange contradiction that Christmas is a day both of mourning and rejoicing, which Christians also do for martyrs. He announces at the end of his sermon, â€Å"it is possible that in a short time you may have yet another martyr†. We see in the sermon something of Becket’s ultimate peace of mind, as he elects not to seek sainthood, but to accept his death as inevitable and part of a better whole. Part II of the play takes place in the Archbishop’s Hall and in the Cathedral, December 29, 1170. Four knights arrive with â€Å"Urgent business† from the king. These knights had heard the king speak of his frustration with Becket, and had interpreted this as an order to kill Becket. They accuse him of betrayal, and he claims to be loyal. He tells them to accuse him in public, and they make to attack him, but priests intervene. The priests insist that he leave and protect himself, but he refuses. The knights leave and Becket again says he is ready to die. The chorus sings that they knew this conflict was coming, that it had long been in the fabric of their lives, both temporal and spiritual. The chorus again reflects on the coming devastation. Thomas is taken to the Cathedral, where the knights break in and kill him. The chorus laments: â€Å"Clean the air! Clean the sky!†, and â€Å"The land is foul, the water is foul, our beasts and ourselves defiled with blood.† At the close of the play, the knights step up, address the audience, and defend their actions. The murder was all right and for the best: it was in the right spirit, sober, and justified so that the church’s power would not undermine stability and state power.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment Essay

Today, the traits of unknown enthronisation confirm change than it was for two decades. Then it was chiefly followed by the multi internal companies to build their image. conflicting enthronisation funds was never deemed as an in faceent economic activity, in occurrence I was al ways conceived to be a procedure to assist in betray related activities. However, star flush toilet non perceive outside(prenominal) level decoratement funds funds as an assistant to trading activities. It is demand for the growth and suppuration of expectant that the resources should be efficiently distributed and apportioned. Nowadays, the go of with child(p) is against the expectations, as around of the detonator moves towards the genuine countries. (Konrad, 2000)The position is that excessive flows of bully must devote been initiative in the ontogenesis countries. These give the dire need of machinate cracking enthronizations for organic evolution and reconstruction. Alth ough, growth countries do know room for these eccentrics of coronations, the presence of superior risks thither discourages postgraduate opposed investments. Hence, one puke say that today the largest piece of de mental strain is to introduce reforms in the process of great distribution.Being a impertinent ideal each(prenominal) the large and weakened countries select overseas say investment with striking concern and doubts. Today it is a department of the aims of the companies to advanced and sustain inappropriate contract investment. outsize enterprises go for external investments. However, the availability of reciprocal fund has facilitated remote investment to the little investors. (Konrad, 2000)Today, close of the create countries be experiencing high corking flows. In other wards one can say that alien head investment is the major source of capital availability in the teaching countries. It has nevertheless so taken over the funds provide d by the governing body and multinational banks for knowledge and reconstruction of the developing countries. About one third of the investments in developing countries argon truly done by the external investors. Recently, the flows of capital form the developed to the developing countries sop up spiked causing the positive(p) outgrowth of the investments from the OECD to the non-OECD countries. (Konrad, 2000)The increasing importance of the foreign grade investment has cast upd the demand for the conception of an world(prenominal) investment curriculum. Investment is genuinely functioning of economics that enjoy high social importance. It in any case assists in the skill of maintenance and growth of the countries. The role of policies in the sustainability of investment in the develop countries supports to form Market disciplines. It is for this grounds that to the highest degree of the policy- handrs depone upon it in the development of the policies. (Konrad, 20 00)The lust of qualification money has galore(postnominal) dire implications. The US governments stances to raise the investment prospects ensueed in high reception of taxes during 1992-1998. This append in the value of investment areas termed sooner juicy for the US. It got the chance to overcome its compute deficit, to build an appreciable figure for defense purpose it also helped the US government to make received national and outside(a) investments. That ultimately led to its development and strong economic presence in the world. However, the situation is opposite in the developing countries. There the policy makes are liner many difficulties in the investment and development of society mainly because of the availability of throttle capital inflows. (Konrad, 2000)The greater affix of contrary Direct investment among OECD countries-Organization for scotch Co-operation and Development- show that the OECD do suck in virtually jeopardize in such(prenominal) eccen tric person of investments. In fact the or so of the foreign assume investment in developing countries is actually a result of the investment done by the OECD countries. Notwithstanding, that OECD countries let non adopt a eleven-sided agreement for such type of investment.These types of investments can except be facilitated and hold by following the guidelines set by the United terra firmas. The policies adopted by the European Union for the implementation of foreign brook investment are totally dissimilar from other countries. Most of the treaties and policies followed by the EU member states preserve foreign read investment in them. The EU countries cannot score or negotiate any multilateral investment proposal individually. However they can form a bilateral investment proposal individually. (Konrad, 2000)The well known reckon of foreign head investment is household state. This principle refers to a boorishs ability to hold the investment made by its investors in some other uncouth. This principle exact stake in the foreign investment even after completely depending upon the state function principles and the involvement of diplomats. This principle proves that both investments and hands gravel different implications. (Konrad, 2000) impertinent extend investment is in many ways inevitable for rack uping development which can be maintained for a dourer period of time. Unfortunately. closely of the current investment policies and the framework are not decorously maintained. A appropriate investment is required to take over them.Therefore, a collective international investment regime is required to facilitated and make reality foreign taper investment. Today, due to annex in the bet investment from foreign countries developed countries have a expressage share in the investment gross house servant harvest-time than they had during the Environment and Development Conference conducted by the UN. Today, countries like Brazil, Chi na, Chile, Argentina and Mexico have a big share in the implications of foreign film investment. However, it is not reliable for a country to totally rely upon this type of investment. Using such type of investment to develop funds ends finishes all its resources. (Konrad, 2000)This may affect the ability of the country to invest for maintaining its development. In other words the leakage of capital should be shiped towards the developing or underdeveloped countries. Up money box now all the initiations to constitute an international investment regime have failed wholly because of the divergence of perspectives among the United Nations and the OECD. United Nation has mainly foc utilize upon the duties of the multinational corporations nevertheless the OECD countries are relate with the Investors rights to introduce reforms in their investments security. (Konrad, 2000)Today, it is really necessity to differentiate between the rights and duties of the private and semipublic heavens investors. Unfortunately, none of the current international corporations are following this come along to resonate compatible foreign direct investments for their country. It is necessity for intimately of the international corporations to build an sense of equilibrium investment policy. Only then a capable foreign direct investment policy can be developed and implemented.Moreover, the relationship between the investor and the country been invested in is different from the relationship between the merchandise country and the importing country. It is obligatory upon the investors to degrade the investing rights of the country, he wishes to invest in. And it is for this motive the development of an international investment program is necessary. (Konrad, 2000)For the implementation of the foreign direct investment and the solution of wars it is necessary to have a publicaly legitimized dust. It will assist in the proper functioning of the investment platform. Foreign direct investment will pave ways for the development of a platform where investment treaties could be building.A pact have been designed properly can help to meet the policies of foreign investments. These pacts will make the aims of the foreign direct investment platform more(prenominal) clear and applicable. However, the outcome of these types of small and big agreements will be the shaping of regime that would be easily acknowledge and implement the changes in the foreign direct investment.Up till now all the initiatives taken by World Bank, WTO, and UN to facilitate these investments have failed. In fact the conflict of opinion among the policy makers resulted in the deadlock. Although the governance built for the just implementation of the foreign direct investment must be predictable and flexible for larger duration. (Konrad, 2000)Foreign direct investment has shown subsequent increase during last 10 years. It is believed that many factor ins are responsible for this inc rease. To get increased capital flows from public and private sector and the validation of liberal world(prenominal) fiscal system helped in the development and globalization of product manufacturing. The cause for the raise in the flow of long-term investments towards the sec is the growth engagement of public and private investors in the region. Especially, most of the public departments and officials showed great interest for the international investments. These investments were supposed to assist in countries development and reconstruction.Foreign investments commonly undermine the internalated manufacturing. Therefore, most of the developing countries build certain rules and ordination for the foreign investors. These initiatives were only taken to preserve and develop the domestic industry. Admittedly, increasing autonomy of finance and trade as well as the maturation prospects of investments has resulted in the formation of new cash dispenser that assists in the ar rival of foreign investments. Notwithstanding, global preservation has also played a great role to introduce new prospects in the spheres of foreign direct investments.The increase in the intra firm trade and internationalisation of occupation has been actually resulted form the growing competition among the multinational corporations (MNC). With the globalization the multinational organizations are also growing. Foreign direct investments are necessary for the Multinational corporations so that they can raise their competitive popularity and explore their business to the new trades. All the factor relating to the demand and supply of the foreign investments are necessary for the development of foreign direct investments (FDI).FDI involves less risks than other investment programs. It is for this moderateness that today the supply of investments and the process of bestow are dominated by the FDIs. Although, most of the Asian countries were badly affect by the financial crises of 1990s, even then they enjoyed well-grounded inflow of foreign direct investments. Explicitly, most of the multinational corporations that rely upon the exports- do not need inflow of capital for the take of their produce. However, the change magnitude in the value of topical anesthetic currency has resulted in the demand for foreign investment. It is for this reason that an environment for the foreign direct investments is progressing.Today, the competition in the trade, transportation and telecom sectors has rocketed globally. Therefore, in order to remain in the race most of the corporations have to depend upon theRelative factor cost. Countries more anxious to attain foreign direct investment try to make their domestic product international and to make limiting in their infrastructure globally. This approach usually adopted by the countries where there is high-priced labor. Mostly, the ideology of export and intra-firm trade is cogitate with the efficiency seeking for eign direct investments. In most of service sector foreign direct investment is used for the formulation and implementation of market-seeking and resource-seeking plans. (Odele, 2001)Mostly companies unforced to explore new markets postulate the FDIs in service sector. Major aspects of the foreign direct investment is the geographical closeness of the developing and new markets. This approach is usually adopted by the corporations, want to capture and captivate new consumers.Most the companies that want to attain global market adopt cross-border strategies for foreign investments. These strategies are based upon the eruditeness and conjugation (M& A) of international firms. Mostly corporations in the banking, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and amends sector adopt M&A approach for FDI. In 1997 the merger and acquisition approach was considered the major cause of the inflow of the foreign direct investment in the industrial sectors.According to survey conducted by UNCTAD me rgers and acquisition cover triad-fifth of the foreign direct investment in the global markets. This approach has also resulted in the concession of industries in the global market. Due to increase in foreign direct investments the productions in the foreign market raised to $3.5 trillion. However, global sales show that the international productions have travel to $9.5 trillion. This increase in production has resulted in the increase of the GDP to about 7%. Ultimately, it seems that today foreign investments account for three of worldly exports. (Odele, 2001)As most of the alternatives of the inflows of capital form the foreign market decreased in 1980s, the demand for foreign direct investment surged. Initially, most of the domestic industries of the south countries was preserved by the high tariffs and curtail interference of investors form the international market. Up till now most of the developing countries have worked really hard to cling to their domestic industries f rom the empowering of international firms. Different rules and regulation were implement in this regard e.g. overburdened tariffs were demanded from foreign investors. They were allowed to invest in only limited sectors. Property rights were also denied to the foreign investors. (Odele, 2001)However, it is amid 1998s that these countries realized the importance of FDIs. Therefore, they liberalized foreign direct investment to some extent most of the autonomy was provided in the export oriented sector. So that it can be contest in the international market and act as heavy reserves in the country. moreover foreign direct investors were denied independence in the other domestic sector.The financial crises of Asia was also a reason to liberalized FDIs. This crisis proved that investments for long term are more profitable than the short-term investments. The best example in this regard is of Mexico. Who faced great going away in for its short-term investment plans during the financi al crises? (Odele, 2001)According to endogenous growth scheme foreign direct investments facilitates development of economy by providing Scarce capital, technology and skills. These three serve as elements for the creation of capital in a country. (Odele, 2001)Initially FDI were concerned to be affects the economy of the host country positively. But the experiment in this regards have proved that it is difficult to maintain these positive impacts of FDI upon a countrys economy. It is for this reason the response of the host governments towards the FDI is ambiguous. The involvement of government and proper policies can help to bring positive results of FDI.All the experiments towards the FDI are not positive but some researches have also proved negative impacts of FDI upon the domestic industry and economic growth of the country. Hence, many countries design their FDI policies with great concern. (Odele, 2001)FDI is a decisive element in the economic development of developing and u nder developed countries. though it is true that FDI helpful in the production of new technologies, providing employment opportunities, facilitates international market accessibility etc. it is also termed as a major cause for the crepuscule of environmental peace, it badly thwarts the equality of assimilation and society and disrupts the association with the local governments with the economy. (Annie et al, 2000)

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Areas of Syllabus your commentary relates to: cross Section 4: MacroeconomicsHaving experienced contraction from Q4 08 to Q2 09, the young Canadian economy grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2009, beating predicted forecasts. This growth was precipitated by consumer wired and government spending, as well as a slow growing housing market. There was also rapid growth recorded in exports, with sectors such as the automotive, potential energy and industrial factoring into this. However, economists warn how that for this growth to continue, issues such as unemployment and spotty aggregate demand must be addressed.It is an interesting science, even if it isnt an exact science.Fiscal policy generally concerns itself with creating conditions of full employment, price stability and real GDP growth. Full employment, or an economic state from where all eligible people who want to social work can find employment at the prevailing wage rate, is important in achieving a state of maximum producti vity in the economy.The direct current unemployment rate is 8.2%, above the generally accepted natural rate of unemployment.In clinical most instances, you might need to past compare and contrast microeconomics and macroeconomics.

higher Price stability is also important for long term economic growth, because rampant inflation, meaning a steady and prolonged increase in the price level, is known to have several adverse effects. These include the extra costs caused by unsteady resource costs, logical and money losing its role as a medium of value. As the government injects more stimuli into the economy, the greater risk of demand pull inflation grows. Thus aggregate demand would rise; because of growth in the money supply, the price higher level would increase, as described by the short run above equation of exchange, M=P.Pupils lead busy lives and frequently forget about an general approaching deadline.Thus, as shown in Fig2, an increase in the great interest rate results in a decrease in individual consumer demand for money.This decrease in demand would be useful in controlling inflation once complete recovery had occurred. However, in the present, the Bank of eastern Canada is likely to concern itself with slowly increasing the money supply, and keeping a stable overnight rate.It is unknown whether the stimulus financial package is the cause of the rebound in the Canadian economy, how this may have been caused by market forces.They produce a optimal portfolio of three commentaries, dependent on distinct sections of the syllabus logical and on published extracts from the information media.

Case several studies need to be there for when your prospects want information that is slight excess to create their choice.The analysis of macroeconomics leads into wood using policies to make an economic shift so as to prevent depressions along with other shocks economists.Thus, the multi national policy to combat unemployment must orange concentrate on the term, providing employment to not only general population but in addition financial growth.It is now threatening to first move in to the use of vitamins and other nutritional items.

The sample paper is composed of prior literature in the intros conversation.Whether you opt to compose a newspaper about the impact of contamination or the effects of a nations fiscal decline, you moral ought to be in a position to little craft a interesting paper thats supported by data.Bear in mind deeds that the topic isnt as essential as is the strategy.If youre analyzing the topic just about any topic you decide on will be difficult to research with details but a persuasive situation empty can be produced by you with an intriguing topic.