Monday, September 30, 2019

Comprehensive Mental Health Assessment Essay

I: Identifying Data. Ashley K. is a 23-year old white female who was admitted to Warner Transitional Services on 11/21/12. II: Chief Complaint. â€Å" I am a little anxious and upset right now. IDTC in Lafayette could not do anything for me†. III: Informants. Assessment information was provided by patient. Interview was conducted in a private room along with psychiatrist, and lead clinician. Other sources used for this evaluation included documents from her previous two placements. IV: Reason for Consultation. Client was referred to Warner Transitional Services by Indiana Developmental Training Center of Lafayette. She became a candidate for Warner’s program due to her progression through treatment, improved behaviors, and being able to function at a higher level than most patients at her previous placement. Patient was discharged from state hospital and transferred to facility. Patient will most likely remain at Warner until she can be transitioned into a group home. The treatment team believes that Warner’s program can improve her overall functioning. The team also believes that she can benefit from a more group orientated, and less restrictive environment. V: History of Present Illness. The information obtained in the assessment, and previous records leads me to assume the patient has had a very complex history. Documents obtained paint Ashley as being known for manipulation, and making up stories. During the interview she was often vivid and graphic when she began to describe details. Also, as she told her story redirection was often needed to stay focused on the question discussed. She tends to want to answer questions with questions, and seemed to prefer elaborating on certain topics, rather than progress and complete the interview. Ashley was forthcoming with information stating â€Å" I usually mess up by hurting myself when I talk, or hear from my family†. She then rolled up her shirt and showed me a bunch of superficial cuts on her right arm. Patient seems to be a good story teller, but a poor historian. During the assessment process the treatment team was somewhat confused as to if some of the historical details provided were derived from Ashley herself, previous documents, or family members. VI: Psychiatric History. Ashley has historical diagnoses of PTSD and major depression, made at the age of seven. St. Joseph County DCS became involved with her in 1999 due to substantiated physical abuse by her father. The very next year she was seen in the emergency room for a 25 pound weight loss sustained in one month. At this time Ashley reported sexual abuse by her father. The patient’s father previously had been investigated for molesting a neighbor’s child. As a result, the patient and her siblings were removed from the home, and made wards of the state. At some point they were returned to the home then Ashley’s sisters made allegations that she had been â€Å"humping† them. In 2004 Ashley was once again declared a Child In Need Of Services. Since then, patient behavior has been difficult to manage. She has a documented history of defiance, property destruction, aggression, and self-harm. As a result, Ashley has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations in various locations throughout the state of Indiana. VII: Medical History. Patient has no known drug allergies, no surgical history, and achieved developmental milestones on time. Patient currently suffers from hypertension, GERD, and obesity. She is prescribed Toprol XL 25mg for HTN, and Zantac 150mg for GERD management. Upon admission she was given a TB skin test, ordered a CBC with diff, CMP, and TSH. All results were unremarkable. Patient is scheduled to have vision testing, and her wisdom teeth removed bilaterally sometime in December 2012. VIII: Social History and Premorbid Personality. As mentioned above the patient experienced significant trauma, and was removed from the home at very early age. Most of her social interactions have been in an institutional setting. Previous records indicate she has a history of poor relationships with peers and staff at various placements. She is described as unable to tolerate having other peers receive attention from staff. When questioned, Ashley admitted that she would physically intrude, make up stories, and fake illnesses so people would pay attention to her. She also admits to belittling, and taking advantage of lower functioning peers while in various placements. A review of education documents show that she has received special education services for many years for a learning disability, and emotional handicap. Ashley stated she graduated from special education classes while at Madison State Hospital, but was often escorted back to unit for being aggressive, and using profanity. Also, while at IDTC-Lafayette she completed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III. This yielded a full scale IQ of 69; verbal, 77; and performance,63. The patient has no children, has never been employed, and she verbalized a sexual preference of both men and women. When I asked her about any substance abuse she began to tell stories about eating a half of pound of marijuana, and â€Å"sniffing† crack-cocaine daily. She also stated that she drinks â€Å"a lot†, but she was unable to describe the type of alcohol, or quantify the amount. IX: Family History The patient has two younger sisters, and their whereabouts are unknown at this time. Ashley’s biological parents are reported to have a history of â€Å"significant substance abuse†. Her father has a history of legal issues including charges of molestation, and drug trafficking. Her mother reportedly is a babysitter. In 2010 Ashley’s judge ordered that the family no longer have contact due to constantly attempting to sabotage treatment, telling her not to comply, and making her promises that never materialized. During the interview the patient looked down at the ground as she spoke slowly about her family, and it seemed to be uncomfortable for her. She stated that she has not spoken with, or seen anyone in her family since 2009. X: Mental Status Exam The patient is overweight with light brown hair that was pulled back in a pony tail. She had a bright affect, and was rather intrusive socially. She had no tics or abnormal movements, and made good eye contact. Ashley denied any current suicidal/homicidal ideation, but endorsed psychosis. She stated that she hears, and has visions of a staff from her previous placement during the day and night, but has not seen her as of today. She identified her mood as depressed and agitated due to a new placement. Patient cognitive functioning seemed to be impaired. She was orientated to the month, but thinks it is still 2011. She stated the current president was George Bush, refused to count from five backwards, and did not seem to know the difference between a tomato and apple. She did not appear to give much effort in answering cognitive questions, and told me she has a bad memory. Also, the patient’s insight and judgment appear to be poor at the time of assessment. . X1: Dynamic Formation Ashley has suffered from a lot of trauma due to very early physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Also, she basically became an adult behind institution walls. Over the last several years she has been in various residential programs, and has struggled with this process. Ashley’s past and present all indicate that she will need psychiatric services for a very long time, possibly the remainder of her life. Hopefully, Warner Transitional Services can and improve her overall functioning, so that she can move on to an independent living program. XII Assets and Strengths/ Holistic Nursing Assessment. Ashley is a healthy young adult with the capacity to change. If somehow over time she can learn to use the services provided to her advantage, she could very well possibly return to the community one day. XIII: Multiaxial Psychiatric Diagnoses. Axis I: Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (296.90) . Rule out PTSD . Intermittent Explosive Disorder (312.34) Axis II: Mild Mental Retardation (317) Axis III: Hypertension, GERD, and Obesity. Axis IV: Placement issues and no family contact per court. Axis V: GAF was 35 upon admission. XIV: Nursing Diagnoses. I: Risk for Violence Self –Directed Or Other-Directed. Diagnosis is related to history of self –harm, aggressive behaviors, cognitive impairment, and emotional problems ( Varcarolis, 2011). Although she has only been at Warner for a week, staff reported that she has attempted to destroy furniture on the unit. Staff also reported that she punched herself in the stomach yesterday while in the cafeteria. II: Ineffective Coping. Diagnosis is related to historically deficient family/peer support system, and poor impulse control (Varcarolis, 2011). Staff on the unit reports that she becomes negative with any re-direction, especially completing morning ADL’s. III: Chronic Low Self-Esteem. This diagnosis is related to her perceived lack of belonging and a history of disturbed relationships with family, peers, and staff in previous placements (Varcarolis, 2011). During her initial psychiatric evaluation she seemed depressed, and did not verbalize anything positive about h erself. XV: Treatment Plan. I: Give routine psychotropic and PRN medications as ordered by DR. Osman. The patient is currently prescribed Lexapro, Lamictal, and Trazodone daily. Vistaril and Haldol were ordered as needed for agitation/anxiety. II: Inform nurses on duty to complete Suicide Assessment Tool daily until patient is able to process off suicide precautions. Physician/APN on-call is to be notified within 30 minutes if patient is placed in a therapeutic physical hold. III: Educate staff about patients Transition Behavioral Support Plan. Encourage staff to use pro-active, encouraging, and preventative strategies while working with patients. Emergency medication and physical restraint are used only if patient become a danger to self/others. IV: Encourage patient to participate in all associated milieu groups while in treatment. Patient can improve her overall independent, social, and coping skills with consistent positive reinforcement. V: Continue with current antihypertensive and GERD medications as ordered by medical physician. Refer patient to physician for issues/problems related to diagnoses of hypertension and GERD. Refer patient to dietitian for weight, and dietary management. References. Varcarolis, E. (2011 – 4th). Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans. New York: Elsevier/ 9781437717822 American Psychiatric Association DSM-TR (Text Revision) (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gold on Trees

Have you ever said â€Å"I wish money could grow on trees? † Well that could actually be true! Geoscientist Melvyn Lintern was the author of â€Å"Gold Particles Found in Leaves of Eucalyptus Trees. † This article was published in Science News magazine on October 23, 2013 and retrieved online at http://www. sci-news. com, on January 16, 2014. Melvyn Lintern from CSIRO (Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization) Earth Science and Resource Engineering explored the gold particles in leaves of the eucalyptus trees in Australia.The article was written to let people know that leaves or soil underneath these trees could show gold that was buried underground. The gold discovered was up to 60 million years old. Geoscientists used the Maia detector to explore the soil. The Maia detector is an imaging system, which uses an x-ray microprobe, (a device used to stimulate radiation by a material in order to determine chemical or elemental composition). The Maia detecto r is similar to an x-ray machine. It allows you to see through leaves and determine their chemical or mineral composition.This is where the gold particles were found. The article also explained how the Eucalyptus tree acted like a hydraulic pump, (related to a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure), because its roots extend deep in the ground and draw up water containing the gold. Since gold can be toxic to the tree, it doesn’t stay in one spot; it moves to the leaves and branches where it can be released or shed to the ground. Article Analysis This is a new topic because before the Maia detector, the gold in the leaves was invisible and there was no way of detecting it, so this is a brand new discovery.The author of the Sci-News. com article did a good job explaining the information in a way that everyone could read and understand. Dr. Lintern said that, â€Å"Leaves could be used in combination with other tools as a more cost effective and environmentally friend ly exploration technique. † He also pointed out that, â€Å"Eucalpytus trees are so common that this technique could be widely applied across Australia and could also be used to find other metals such as zinc and copper. † Dr. Melvyn Lintern was the lead writer of this article and his quotes were chosen because they talk.About four important things: 1. How leaves can be used with other tools for exploring with the Maia detector; 2. The Maia detector makes this type of exploration friendly to the environment; 3. It is cost effective, and 4. The same technique could also be used to find other metals. This information is important to the environment because now it has been proven that you can get samples without destroying the land by drilling many holes and it also makes exploration if minerals quicker and less expensive.Unfortunately no one will grow rich looking for gold in leaves, since the gold found is about the size of a nano-nugget, which is a billionth in diameter and in this case, only 1/5 the diameter of a piece of human hair, (which is very, very tiny). This was a very interesting article to read. This discovery is so important to our economy and environment. It will help mining companies figure out where they can find more gold and other minerals just by examining plants and leaves. And most importantly, geoscientists have figured out a way to get these samples without unnecessary drilling which will help protect our environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Engineering management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Engineering management - Essay Example Therefore, it can be said that the company or the management of the company in particular would have to take all these aspects into consideration and ascertain whether all the constraints associated with these factors are suitable or not. The product can only be introduced if and only if a majority of these factors are found or are projected to be favorable to the interests of the company. Therefore, a company needs to two things in this regard. The first and the foremost requirement is to conduct a fair assessment of the various constraints and make a forecast. Secondly, the company also needs to come up with an action plan in order to be able to handle any situation such as things not going along as expected or detecting some errors in the forecast etc (Blanchard & Fabrycky, 2004). therefore, all these factors need to be considered before the introduction of the product into the market. Therefore, this is the key consideration that the current paper would attempt to discuss in dept h in line with the concepts of System engineering. The paper would accurately determine the resources that would be required for each phase of the project in addition to determining the implications if any of the calculations went wrong. These p Systems engineering & Analysis The introduction of a new product into the market may be regarded as a project. Generally, such a development would usually comprise the following stages (Blanchard, 2001): Analyze the current products in the market. Drive internal R&D (Research & Development). Design new Product. Ensure that the new product's attributes are competitive enough to survive the market pressures and be able to offer healthy competition to existing and established products. Be able to make the necessary adjustments in all possible respects in order to achieve the above-mentioned objective.These phases are not sequential in order and may vary in their sequence of occurrence. In many cases, these steps have been found to be iterative in nature. The focus of the company that intends to develop and market a new product would be to use the resources to the least possible extent and to be able to use them in an efficient manner. This can be achieved through the concept of system analysis. Under this, the entire development is considered to be a complex system. Thus, system analysis would concentrate on studying every part of the system as well as the relationships between these parts in detail. It must be mentioned that it does not matter whether the system under consideration is an abstract system or a physical system, the former being the one in the present case. Most operations that are conducted under systems analysis are based on the use of certain mathe matical models for generating the appropriate results. These mathematical equations are used for describing the behavior of the system's individual components as well as the effects caused as a result of the interaction of these individual components. The estimation of the various resources along with their quantities can be classified into two main categories, which are discussed in detail: Operations Research. PERT &

Friday, September 27, 2019

Colour therapy (chromotherapy) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Colour therapy (chromotherapy) - Essay Example The electromagnetic energy is seen through our eyes. Color therapy is a process that applies color and light that is in the form of tools, verbal suggestions, and tools. All these forms are used to balance energy in different parts of the body that have been seen to lack vibrance whether it is physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual. Each color that is used has got different wavelength and energy (Sue & Simon, 25). The energy of the color affects us on all levels both cognitive and psychomotor. The color is absorbed eyes, the skin or the skull. Since every cell in the body requires light energy, color energy is known to have a widespread effect on the entire body. Color therapy is a non-invasive therapy. One should note color preferences so that it can help in finding possible problems. Working with different colors help in dispelling negative feelings and attitudes, free bocks and also helps to re-balance the body both emotionally and spiritually which translates to physical re-balancing (Vijaya, 24). Color therapy is very safe to use alone or can also be used alongside other types of therapy be it orthodox medicine or any other complementary therapy. Chromotherapy is also safe for both children and adults. The energy that relates to each of the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet goes hand in hand with the energy of each of the seven main energy centers of the body (Sue & Simon, 47). The energy centers are also referred to as chakras. Each chakra needs to work smoothly with for one to be healthy. There should be a balance of the energies in each of the chakras to enhance wellbeing of the body. In color therapy, one is given the color he needs more or else the opposite of the color someone has in plenty. If one prefers certain colors, then it means that one uses the color to express himself. For example, one may choose green if he loves nature. Different types of color therapy can

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Describe how you would distinguish between the chronic forms of Essay

Describe how you would distinguish between the chronic forms of leukemia. The answer should include difference in presenting features of the patient, the prognosis and treatment - Essay Example Thus, four main types of leukemia emerged and include: acute and chronic myeloid leukemia (AML and CML) and acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (ALL and CLL) (Ruddon, 2007, p. 75). The chronic forms of leukemia (CML and CLL) will be the focused of the paper. A gradual onset, a prolonged clinical course, and relatively long survival distinguished chronic leukemia from acute leukemia. The two types of chronic leukemia vary in terms of prevalence, presentation, treatment and prognosis. Chronic myeloid leukemia typically developed among men ages 40 and 50 while chronic lymphocytic leukemia rarely strikes before age 45 but most of the victims are over age 65 (Daniels and Nicoll, 2012, p. 771). Presenting features of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia varies. Majority of patients are asymptomatic, however, CBC can detect leukocyte counts of more than 100,000/ mm3 and patients may experience shortness of breath, slight confusion, and enlargement and tenderness of liver and spleen (Day, Paul and Williams, 2009, p. 1005). Lymphadenopathy is rare in CML and patients develop more symptoms (malaise, anorexia, and weight loss) and complications as the disease progresses. Meanwhile, patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia present features of lymphadenopathy, elevated lymphocyte counts, fatigue, infection, experience of anxiety and lower quality of life, and social isolation (Daniels and Nicoll, 2012, p. 771). Available treatments for treating chronic myeloid and lymphocytic leukemia also vary. According to Rosdahl and Kowalski (2008), treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia includes observation, chemotherapy, multi-drug chemotherapies, and bone marrow transplant (p. 1050). Oncologists observe the patients for signs and symptoms of the disease prior to the initiation of treatment. Once necessity for treatment is determined, patient will receive chemotherapy or monoclonal antibody but this will not cure the disease. Patient may also receive radiation therapy in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An ethical review of four articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

An ethical review of four articles - Article Example The ability of the Americans to repay loan has been decreasing especially after the 2008 economic crisis. Unemployment rate is ever rising and the income level is ever declining. As such, the default rates have gone up to the ceiling. The rising inflation, skyrocketing cost of education and living is expected to make things worse in the near future. As indicated in this article, this phenomenon has far-reaching negative effect on the entire economy of the country. It is ethical for people to honor their financial obligations hence students who take loans are not exceptional. In this article, the increasing rate of loan defaulters is the main ethical concern that is likely to pose a threat to the entire economy unless something is done immediately. Even though economic conditions are getting harsher, students are expected to be cautious when taking these loans and should plan on how to repay them, otherwise it will cause economic damage to the general populace. What I feel or think af ter reading the article The article reveals a phenomenon that ought to be taken seriously by the state. It is a crisis that is likely to cause serious economic problems in the near future. The revelations by the article provide useful insights about the precautions that ought to be taken by students before they borrow loan. ... In my view, I feel that most students do not take full responsibility for the loans. This is because of the fact that some students are repaying the loans despite earning very low income. For instance, Macaluso has been paying for the loans even though it has affected his savings. I also think that students should not be allowed to take these loans if they are financially stable as this would help reduce the number of the defaulters (Reynolds 1). My opinion In 2012, National Student Clearinghouse Research Center did a research which showed that more than 50% of college graduates are unemployed and are employed in unskilled jobs that are below their academic credentials. A report by the National Center for Education Statistics shows that more than 70% of American students fail to graduate within 3 years. Despite this trend, most of these students still carry student debt. This issue is also happening in other developed countries particularly Canada and Australia. In my opinion, there is immorality that has been spared in the student-loan world. In 2012, the student debt in the United States had surpassed the trillion-dollar level. It is now a major economic burden on graduates and the larger society. This burden cannot be easily offset by increased incomes among the graduates (Reynolds 1). Article Two Ethical Issue The whole world is facing the reality of depleting natural resources such as oil and gas. Middle East is considered to be the hub of energy resources and reserves hence the region has attracted the attention of powerful countries around the world. In this article, Dowd (1), suggests that the supply demand for energy has drastically increased while the supply is ever dropping. In this article, Arctic region is believed to hold approximately 30 per

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Epstein-Barr Virus Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Epstein-Barr Virus - Research Paper Example the presence of a virus in the cultured specimen and the three published their discovery the same year with the development of antibodies and mononucleosis taking place later. Consequently, the three scientists were able to observe the development of antibodies to the virus (Robertson 18). Perhaps the most common relationship of EBV with any other virus is in relationship to the TTV. In this case, the relationship regards the association between these two viruses and their infection of B-cell lymphoma and the Hodgskin lymphoma (Figueiredo et al. 736). In line with this, an increase in the tolerance of contagion within the first 48 hours of infection with the virus called herpes simplex indicates a demonstration of the conversion of EBV. In effect, this phenomenon implies that it is feasible to have TTV and EBV viruses in the same B cell (Figueiredo 736). Medical practitioners point out that Epstein-Barr is one of the most common infections that affected human beings. In line with this, experts suggested that the infection affected approximately 95% of the adult population by the time that they reached 40 years of age. In effect, this implies that the disease can affect any individual despite their geographical location and almost the entire world’s population has once suffered the disease. Nonetheless, most incidents of Epstein-Barr do not indicate the presence of symptoms in a person. In addition, an incidence of the infection puts an individual at a risk of mononucleosis with approximately 35-40% of those infected likely to develop this condition (Schueler, Beckett, and Gettings). A series of a standardized process characterizes the progression of EBV. First, EBV attacks the B-cells at the point of CR-2 (CD 21) while using the glycoprotein (GP 350/220). However, it could also attack the epithelial cells that do not possess the CD 21. This affects the epithelial cells that infect the Blymphocyte resulting to the latency stage. The cells infected exhibit

Monday, September 23, 2019


HOSPITAL READMISSION REDUCTION PROGRAM - Research Paper Example This did not emerge as a significant issue for quality of inpatient care; although, patients were discharged untimely, which might hypothetically raise the threat of readmissions that are expensive to payers. In a Congressional Report of 2007 (Hackbarth, Reischauer & Miller, 2007), the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) categorized several hospital readmissions as probably preventable. On August1 2011, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published its inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) finale law. Incorporated in the early structure for Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP) that is intended to begin operation in the FY 2013. The HRRP was incorporated in the Affordable Care Act by the Congress. The HRRP policy is concerned with the reduction of Medicare disbursements to hospitals with a higher number of rehospitalizations for ‘appropriate conditions’ over a particular period. The policy is only appropriate to medical states chosen by the Health and Human Service (HHS) Secretary. The policy directs the Secretary to choose situations that are expensive or widespread and where there are readmissions approaches that are authorized by the body with a treaty under section 1890(a) that is the National Quality Forum (NQF). The HRRP is applicable to all hospital organizations except those offering chiefly psychiatric, rehabilit ative or long-standing care, critical admission hospitals, children’s hospitals, and some cancer or research centers. Hospitals organizations engaging in a Medicare payment demonstration scheme are subject to this program, although, can be exempted from engagement provided that their state presents a yearly report explaining the state’s plans to decrease expenses and develop outcomes and the HHS Secretary approves. Understanding the technicalities of the HRRP entails one to consider the conditions and political background adjoining the endorsement of its parent

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Most Influential Nba Players Essay Example for Free

Most Influential Nba Players Essay He would travel back and forth to school in a town called French Lick, where he excelled at basketball at an early age. Bird was a key component in his high schools basketball team, where he was the leading all-time scorer by the time he graduated in 1974. Larry Bird was drafted by the Boston Celtics with the sixth overall pick in the 1978 draft. The Celtics gave Bird a contract worth $3. 25 million over five years. Birds new contract made him the highest paid rookie in the history of team sports at that time. Bird averaged 21. points per game, and averaged 143 steals and 2,955 minutes per season played. He led the Celtics to 3 championships and was also awarded MVP (most valuable player) 3 times. After helping the Dream Team to Olympic glory, Bird announced his retirement from the game of basketball in 1992. Bird ended his career with 21,791 points, 8,974 rebounds, and 5,695 assists; he was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1998. Shortly after his announcement, he became an assistant coach with the Boston Celtics. At the end of his career Bird was making $23 million a year (Larry Bird Biography 1,2). Michael Jordan was an influential player in high school and in the NBA in the 1980s-1990s. He was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. In 1975 Jordan enjoyed playing baseball and was on the little league team, leading them to the Little league World Series. Jordan was an exceptional pitcher at an early age. It wasnt till an older age when he realized what a good basketball player he was. In the Summer of 1984, Jordan made his first appearance at the Olympic Games as a member of the U. S. Olympic basketball team. In late 1984 Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls and led them to six national championships. He led the league in scoring with an average of 31. 5 points per game. Chicago recorded 61 wins, and Jordan then turned in one of the most dominating postseasons in NBA history, averaging 31. 1 points, 6. 4 rebounds, and 8. 4 assists per game. He became the first player since Wilt Chamberlin to score more than 3,000 points in a single season. Jordan was awarded MVP eight times, received NBA Rookie of the year award, and was selected for the All-Star Game. Jordan invested between $10 million and $20 million to become part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats in 2006. He was named the teams Managing Member of Basketball Operations. Bobcats majority owner Robert Johnson sought Jordan for his basketball knowledge and management skills. In 2010, Johnson sold the team to Jordan. The sale made Jordan the primary owner of the Bobcats. Jordan was making $90 million a year at the end of his career (Michael Jordan 1,2). LeBron James has been an influential player in his high school and in the NBA from 2002-2013. LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984 in Akron, Ohio. James also had a tough childhood with his dad leaving him and his mom. He showed a talent for the sport of basketball at an early age and was known as a prodigy in high school. LeBron James attended St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron, Ohio. As a freshman, James averaged 18. 0 points and 6. 2 rebounds per game, leading his team to a 27-0 record and a Division III state title. He started off his career on the Cleveland Cavaliers. He is now currently on the Miami Heat averaging 29. 7 points, 8. assists and 7. 3 rebounds per game, and he was selected to his sixth consecutive All-Star appearance. James became the first player since Oscar Robertson to have at least 40 points, 15 assists and 13 rebounds in a regular season game. James scored his 20,000th career point on March 13, the youngest player in NBA history to achieve such an accomplishment. LeBron has been awarded the MVP award 4 times and also is the youngest player to win the Rookie of the year award. At the end of this year James will make 60 million (LeBron James Biography 1,2). Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, and LeBron James are some of the most inspirational and energetic players in the NBA. They never lost the thirst to succeed and the preservation to win. They will go down in history as the definition of competition at its best. Through tough times and tragedy, they never gave up and pressed on. The reason for their well-known success has been nothing short of hard work and determination. Their will to win, has motivated many athletes and non-athletes alike to set goals for themselves and to reach them.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Crito Analysis Essay Example for Free

Crito Analysis Essay Rhetorical Question: â€Å"But my dear Crito, why should we pay so much attention to what ‘most people’ think? The reasonable people, who have more claim to be considered, will believe that the facts are exactly as they are† (906). Personification: â€Å"’Consider then, Socrates,’ the Laws would probably continue, ‘whether it is also true for us to say that what you are trying to do to us is not right†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (913). Plato’s â€Å"Crito† is one of the many tremendously influential pieces of literature produced in ancient Greece. It is a thought-provoking, philosophical discussion regarding the role of the individual within society, and how to treat injustice. As part of a series of imaginary dialogues between Socrates and other characters, â€Å"Crito† deals with the conflict Socrates is presented with, as he awaits execution. Crito, one of Socrates’ close friends, urges Socrates to escape prison while he still can. Crito offers several arguments to justify his escape, including the shame he would endure from the public for letting his friend die, and the poor example it would set for the children of Athens. However, Socrates carefully analyzes each of Crito’s arguments for escaping, and proves them invalid through logic and deductive reasoning. The passage, â€Å"But my dear Crito, why should we pay so much attention to what ‘most people’ think? The reasonable people, who have more claim to be considered, will believe that the facts are exactly as they are† (906), d emonstrates the method that Socrates uses to persuade. Socrates asks a rhetorical question to expose the silliness of the Crito’s worries. It represents the wisdom and morals of Socrates. Crito’s strongest argument is that Socrates would be promoting injustice by accepting his unfair sentence. However, Socrates disproves this point as well, by reasoning that he would be harming the Law by escaping death. Socrates, who has tried to live his life as justly and peacefully as possible, would be breaking every moral he ever lived by if he chose to turn against the law. He regards the Law higher than his own life. He sees the Law as a father to him; it has raised him, educated him, and allowed him to live a comfortable life. No matter how much he disagrees with its ways, he cannot bring himself to disobey it. Throughout Socrates’ discussions, he often has conversations with himself and the â€Å"Law†. Plato personifies the â€Å"Law† by giving it human-like qualities and speech; it is suggested that the Law can be hurt, and angry. He does this to distinguish it as a character that has feelings. For example, â€Å"’†¦you will leave this place, when you do, as the victim of a wrong done not by us, the Laws, but by your fellow men. But if you leave in that dishonorable way, returning wrong from wrong, and evil for evil, breaking your agreements with us, and injuring those whom you least ought to injure yourself, your country, and us ,- then you will face our anger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (916), demonstrates the authority of the Law. Socrates suggests it is better to die a victim who has lived justly and killed unjustly, than to return the injustice and hurt the Laws. He states, â€Å"†¦it is never right to do a wrong or return a wrong or defend one’s sel f against injury by retaliation† (911), which exemplifies the belief that injustice cannot be treated with injustice. Socrates mentions an agreement being broken in this passage; this alludes to the belief that there is a social contract between the individual and government. Socrates reasons that when a citizen lives in Athens, he is indirectly supporting the laws and abiding them. The individual has a moral obligation to the government. While it is beneficial to challenge the government under some circumstances, one threatens the foundation of a stable society by breaking its laws. Socrates, who has lived 70 years of Athenian life, is content by living in accordance with this contract. He feels a state simply cannot exist if laws have no power. He firmly believes in the importance of strict laws, as he calls them the most precious achievement of human history. Besides, he reasons that a man of his age, with little life left to live, would lose his reputation by â€Å"clingi ng so greedily to life, at the price of violating the most stringent laws† (915). For all these reasons, â€Å"Crito† remains an influential piece that poses big questions and promotes critical thinking.

Friday, September 20, 2019

McDonalds Leadership and Management

McDonalds Leadership and Management When McDonalds opened its doors for business, a new trend of fast food emerged in California, back in 1954. Ray Kroc laid the foundation of what is now one of the worlds leading food retailers. McDonalds has more than 32,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries serving more than 60 million people every day. Catering to such a large customer base and extending its roots in other countries was not an easy task, strong values and effective management were the prerequisites required to make the company where it stands today. Since its inception, McDonalds has been actively engaged in innovating and building strong customer relations. From a chain of few restaurants to franchisees and drive thru restaurants, McDonalds has lived up to its promise of maintain convenience for its customers. Highlighting the key success areas, McDonalds label the experience as the major determinant (Long, 2006). The core part of their business is QSC V. QSC V stand for quality, service, cleanliness and values. Emphasis on these factors with effective implementation through four management functions is what constitutes the major ingredients for McDonalds success. Functions of Management Management is creative problem solving with the desired result of using organizational resources in a way that accomplishes its mission and objectives. These results are obtained by four management functions to which we turn next in context with the McDonalds. Planning is the ongoing process of developing the business mission and objectives and determining how they will be accomplished. McDonalds shares its ideas through its well developed vision. This vision statement serves as the binding glue between the employees worldwide. They all aim to serve their customers by giving them the best quality products at their convenience. This vision statement clearly indicates the future of the organization. At McDonalds every employee knows where they are heading towards and what their individual contribution. The vision acts as the binding force which gives the employees a sense of purpose and commitment. The second aspect of planning is to have a clear defined mission. McDonalds mission statement is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat (Dentch, 2009). This mission defines their business and their place in the life of its customers. Planning at McDonalds identify the goals and objectives and develop their strategies and tasks to accomplish these goals. Planning at McDonalds is aligned with the changes in the external environment; it also faced many challenges like local taste of people, cultural values, and traditions of specific area in which they want to enter. The planning process maintained the core values at all franchisees, however the local demands were taken into account to indulge in their culture completely. Strategies were modified to suit the needs of the area in which they entered. This was reflected in the operations as well as the resource utilization. One aspect that highlights McDonalds effective planning is how they manage their supply chains. Timely delivery and quality raw materials were the result of establishing good relations with the supply chain partners. As a result of this strategic planning, McDonalds went into the business of a 24/7 restaurants. This was to match the demands of the all types of customers and to boost the profits by extending the store hours. This was accompanied with introducing breakfast at McDonalds which further added to the menu. McDonalds was now offering all three meals of the day along and was thinking along the lines of adding snacks to the menu. With clearly defined purpose of the business, embedded values that dictate the vision and emphasis on the role of planning, McDonalds is able to achieve sustainable profits. Organizing is establishing the internal organizational structure of the organization. The focus is on division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization. It is in this function that managers distribute authority to job holders. in todays society it is important that management considers the employees and customers as the most important asset of the organization. Having a rigid structure undermines the creativity of the employees, thus the culture of empowerment and delegation is what currently prevails in the competitive environment. McDonalds uses the collaborative management approach which connects all the global franchisees worldwide under the umbrella of single company name (Long, 2006). Management encourages the practice of working and assisting with each others franchisees to deliver the best to their customers by coping up with external challenges and representing a collaborative responsible culture. In order to ensure consistent q uality, the standards are uniform for all franchises. Thus a centralized structure prevails in terms of training programs, supplies and operations. The formal structure at McDonalds divides the organization in the departments and every individual knows his tasks well at which he needs to be specialized. However, these standard procedures do not give rise to bureaucratic rigidity in the organization; each employee is committed to achieve their goals. The organizational structure chosen supports the performance and is aligned with the strategy of the restaurant of providing consistent quality and great service experience. Leadership at McDonalds, the CEO is seen as the focal point from which the leadership emerges. Jim skinner, the current CEO of McDonalds has been entertained with this title for the past thirty five years (Dentch, 2009). Skinner is said to be an excellent leader with charismatic and transformational leader. He has said to revitalize the organization and introduced a new fast food business with his new vision. The turnaround at McDonalds can be fully attributed to his creative and innovative leadership. He was one of those who introduced plan to win initiative that emphasized the significance of store operations. Having a diverse background and expertise, he adapted strategies to keep his employees motivated and committed. Under his leadership, he places great importance on customer satisfaction; customers come before his employees and restaurants. He promotes creativity but does not let his employees focus the primary motive of his organization. He believes in finding the talent therefore he assigns different tasks to his employees and the best one is awarded and granted with more responsibility. Skinner places importance on values and ethics. When McDonalds was blamed for obesity, he did not hide behind passing on the blame; instead he took actions to positively handle the situation. Thus he can be seen as a moral leader who makes McDonalds a better place for both employees and customers. Controlling at McDonalds is the amalgam of motivated workers and the clear policies which keep them right on the track. The line manager is in charge of keeping the employees working according to the standards. At a broader perspective, every franchise must follow quality standards and abide by the strict supplier policies (Long, 2006). This is to ensure that the brands name is not in danger by irresponsible activities at individual franchise level. McDonalds Corporation believes in training its employees at Hamburger University. This is to ensure that employees are clear about the benchmark and how they modify any shortcomings in their performance to meet these standards. Flexible work schedule, fun loving culture, training and a healthy work life balance is what keeps the employees motivated. Though McDonalds is known for its tight control and bureaucratic structure, it in no way inhibits employee productivity or commitment to the organization. Conclusion McDonalds is a global fast food chain known for its quality food and great customer experience. Through strict and clear policies and under the charismatic leadership of Skinner, McDonalds have been able to build a reputable image in the minds of its consumers. Actively responding to the changing needs of its customers, it has been able to maintain its brand essence along with rising profits. A perfect blend of the four management functions namely, planning, organizing, leading and controlling has been the key driver behind McDonalds success.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free College Essays - Tone, Allusions and Diction in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter - Use of Tone, Allusions and Diction Puritans are well known for their morality in discipline, religious intolerance, and harsh punishments for those defying their beliefs. These Puritan influences had a great impact on early American literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne provides an illustrated look into the Puritans and their community in his classic The Scarlet Letter. Through Hawthorne's use of tone, allusions with Hester and Dimmesdale, and the diction that is used to describe how the village behaves during the multiple scaffold scenes he provides a disapproval for these rigid moralists' extreme way of life. Hawthorne's use of tone has revealed his feelings regarding the Puritans. He starts out relatively early in the book describing these people as "being of the most intolerant brood" (86) unveiling at once the lack of understanding they had. Finding out about Hester and Pearl, the village at once "scorned them in their hearts, and...reviled them with their tongues" (86) exposing to us the discriminating disposition that the Puritans have for those who were not exactly like them or followed their rules. The tone that is inferred from the harsh words allows us to see the negative attitude that the narrator feels for these Protestants. Along with the tone of "voice" that we can almost hear speak to us with Nathaniel Hawthorne's rich yet somewhat chilling vocabulary is the allusion among the Puritans and their influence. As the Puritans could see that the "same scorching stigma was on them both!" (225), Nathaniel Hawthorne alluded to the same marks on the crucified Christ, disclosing how scornful the convictions by the Puritans were. As he discusses the generations to come of puritanical influence, Hawthorne sees them wearing "the blackest shade of Puritanism" (211). This allusion allows us to see the perniciousness that flourished inside of the Puritans and how it was carried on from one generation to another. The allusions displaying the author's feelings of the religious intolerance of the Puritans are further developed with his choice of diction during the scaffold scenes. The Puritans' feelings were so lacking of compassion that "they were stern enough to look upon her death†¦without a murmur†¦ but had none of the heartlessness of another social state." (53). This implied that when faced with death of a betrayer they would not have a reaction because their commiseration was completely devoted towards social applications.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Truth Disguised By Words :: essays research papers

Truth Disguised by Words Throughout history people have used disguises to deceive others to hide their true identity. Hiding ones true identity is a predominant theme throughout King Lear for characters dress up to deceive their friends and family. Another use of disguise in this play is using words to hide ones true emotions and personality. Words have a strong importance to the characters in this play which leads to easy manipulation. Three characters use words that do not reflect their true feelings to deceive and manipulate their friends and family to do things that they would otherwise not do if their true intentions were know. These three characters are Goneril and Regan, the two eldest daughters of King Lear, and Edmund, the illegitimate son of Gloucester. They lie, deceive, fabricate evidence, overpower and betray their father and the other people closest in their lives, including each other. All three of these characters have used their mastery of the English language to portray an intention differe nt from their true feelings and emotions and succeed in fooling the other characters in the play to obey them. Throughout King Lear cruelty and selfishness is an ongoing theme and sentiment which is mainly generated from Lear's two eldest daughters, Goneril and Regan. Though these two sisters are virtually one character during most of the play they do even turn on each other when need takes over their heart. Goneril and Regan begin the play by professing their deep undying love for their father. These speeches were necessary if they wish to aquire their deserved piece of land and power from their father. In these two speeches Goneril and Regan use such phrases as "A love that makes breath poor and speech unable"(I, i, 60) and "And find I am alone felicitate / In your dear highness' love." (I, i, 75-6) while the daughter with the truest love towards her father refuses to speak for she "cannot heave / My heart into my mouth."(I, i, 91-2). The love Cordelia could not express in words her sisters were able to so insincerely, for if their love was true love it wo uld not be able to be expressed in just words because emotion would take over any meaning words had. This is the first time we see them speak in the play and their first words are insincere which is definitely a sign of the lack of respect they give to the meaning of words throughout the continuation of the play.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Partner dance Essay

Anchor 1: Good morning XIS family, the galaxy of intellectuals, your excellency, inviting our principal, director, teachers and all our friends. Firstly I wish all the teacher’s present here a very happy teacher’s day, dear audience you will yourself discover as the colours of this day unfold. Well my first and foremost duty on behalf of all the students of st. xavier, we welcome you all to today’s teacher’s day program. Anchor 2: We fell honoured to have with us our director sir Mr. Amrendra Kr. Singh, sir you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud by your distinguished work in numerous capacities and then our principal Mr. tiwary sir, the man of distinct vision and a fountainhead of illuminating ideas, and lastly an idol of knowledge, an experience, an inspiration to all of us that is our teachers. May we have a clap for them! (AFTER TILAK CEREMONY GETS OVER) Anchor 1: Without taking much of your time, permit us to start the programme. 2: Firstly, parul of std. 11 is going to present an informative speech on the occasion of teacher’s day. (after the speech) 2: thank you parul ! Anchor 1: Now hold your breath for a duate song by shaurya and swarna of std. 11. Anchor 2: Wow! That was indeed lovely one. A blend of cosmic tune and divine music. Anchor 1: Now the head boy of our school abhilash will continue the speech. Anchor2: thankyou abhilash,.. Anchor 1: so get ready for a lovely song which will be performed by attaullah, (song- abhi abhi) ANCHOR 2: really awesomm!!! IN THE BEGINNING OF DANCE/SONG- Anchor 2: Yes I do, the heart beats have gone up and everyone is eager to sink into the depth of music, dance, lights and joy. Well here you are, now we will have rainbow of cultural programmes dedicated to our honourable teachers, Anchor 1: Now there will be a western group dance by the girls of std. 11,†¦ (AFTER THE DANCE) 2: Incredible! The young girls really held everyone captive. Over to you shivendra,.. 1: thankyou! So, again you are going to listen the sweetest voice of our xavier student, 2: I still feel like lost in those melody dipped music notes. 1: Well, come back now, lets have a change†¦. 2: Ok, what is next? 1: Wait wait†¦. dont step over the clock! Now gourav is going to unleash a breathtaking stage performance. 2: Don’t you think kids are more creative than the grown ups? 1: How do you mean? 2: Surprise, suspense, action, emotion. 1: Come on what is this puzzle? 2: Let me clear out.. so everyone present here, get ready for a sweet dance performance by the angels of our school, (after the dance) 1: Please have a big round of clap for them†¦ 2: lastly, a solo dance by diksha,.. 2: So our programme has come to an end and now I would like to call upon our principal/director sir, the sculptor of human character, a seasonal scholar and navigator of this flagship of knowledge to say some few lines. 1: Thank you sir!

Monday, September 16, 2019

2.0- Qantas Auditing, Planning and New Strategy

16 April 2012 MLC Community Foundation 2012 Grant application form Note: Please complete this questionnaire with specific, short answers. Please submit this form as a word document and attach to your email submission. Please ensure that you keep to the numbering and order as below. About the organization 1. Your organisation’s name and ABN: 2. A contact name, phone number and email address: 3. Your current corporate partners (if a financial institution, please advise the nature of the relationship, including NAB): 4. The States or locations in which you currently operate/deliver services: . Briefly describe the primary services that your organisation provides to the community: 6. Indicate approximate employee numbers and volunteer numbers your organisation has: 7. Please confirm that you have read and understand the section on ‘Planning your application’ shown on the invitation document and your organisation fits this criteria: About your Program 1. Please provide a summary of the specific program/s or activities for which this submission is requesting funds? (100 – 150 words). Please name the service/program. 2. Is this a current program or a proposed/new program?Please provide an indication of the program reach ie number of community members that will benefit each year and how they will benefit from a grant. 3. Describe how your program impacts the community in relation to the mental health of Australians and what tangible outcomes will the program deliver? 4. How will you measure and evaluate the outcomes and impacts? 5. How much funding are you requesting? (up to a maximum of $50,000 per organisation). Please itemise the requested amount by key items or areas of cost ie how will the grant be spent? 6.Please identify if and how additional funding is needed and sourced for 2012/13 and for the longer term sustainability of the program? 7. Please detail the MLC staff engagement and volunteering opportunities that you can offer? What s ort of things could we do for you? (Include skilled and general opportunities). Please consider how we can engage employees in your organisation’s cause and how we can support you in achieving the planned outcomes. 8. Are there any questions you have for us? Anything else / supplementary (not mandatory) You are welcome to submit any additional items you feel may be relevant.This may include: †¢ Video, DVD or printed material of proposed program if available †¢ Media stories that you have generated which are relevant to your program †¢ Any research to validate the rationale for your program (if it is new/proposed) †¢ Your organisational profile or credentials document, PowerPoint or DVD †¢ Your annual report and accounts Questions Please email [email  protected] com. au if you have any questions and we will answer them as soon as we can. Thank you Thank you for taking the time to respond to our questions. We look forward to reviewing your submission.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Atestat Coca Cola

Introduction More than a century after the creation of Coca-Cola,we’re still as much in love with this famous soft drink as our great-grandparents were. Hold up a Coke and you proclaim all that’s best about the American way of life. Coca-Cola is also one of the most successful companies the world has ever known; nothing can be that big and popular, so much a part of everyday life,without having legends spring up around it. The history of Coca-Cola is a story of special moments – times with family and friends and special occasions when Coke was naturally there.Every person who drinks a Coca-Cola enjoys a moment of refreshment-and share in an experience that millions of others have savored. And all of those individual experiences combined have created a worldwide phenomenon – a truly global brand that plays its own small part on the world stage. Coca-Cola touches the lives of millions of people each and every day. The brand has become a special part of peopl e’s lives. Refreshment is a language everyone understands and no one speaks it better than Coca-Cola. This is the reason why I decided to write about â€Å"America’s Real Choiceâ€Å", Coca-Cola. So†¦Have a Coke and a smile ! ( History Birth of Coca Cola It was 1886, and in New York Harbor, workers were constructing the Statue of Liberty. Eight hundred miles away, another great American symbol was about to be unveiled. Like many people who change history, John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist, was inspired by simple curiosity. One afternoon, he stirred up a fragrant, caramel-colored liquid and, when it was done, he carried it a few doors down to Jacobs' Pharmacy. Here, the mixture was combined with carbonated water and sampled by customers who all agreed — this new drink was something special.So Jacobs' Pharmacy put it on sale for five cents a glass. Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, named the mixture Coca-Cola ®, and wrote it out in his distinct script. To this day, Coca-Cola is written the same way. In the first year, Pemberton sold just 9 glasses of Coca-Cola a day. A century later, The Coca-Cola Company produced more than 10 billion gallons of syrup. Unfortunately for Pemberton, he died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage he had created. Over the course of three years, 1888-1891, Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total of about $2,300.Candler would become the Company's first president, and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand. [pic] New Coke On April 23, 1985, Coca-Cola, amid much publicity, attempted to change the  formula  of the drink with â€Å"New Coke†. Follow-up taste tests revealed that most consumers preferred the taste of New Coke to both Coke and  Pepsi. New Coke was the unofficial name of the sweeter formulation introduced in 1985 by The Cola-Cola Company to replace its flagship soft drink,Cola-Cola or Coke.Proper ly speaking,it had no separate name of its own, but simply known as â€Å"the new taste of Coca-Cola â€Å", until 1992 when it was renamed Coca-Cola II. Public reaction to the change was devastating,and the new Cola quickly entered the pantheon of major marketing flops . The subsequent reintroduction of Coke’s original formula led to a significant gain in sales. [pic] [pic] 21st Century On February 7,2005, the Coca-Cola Company announced that in the second quarter of 2005 they planned a launch of a Diet Coke product sweetened with the artificial sweetener sucralose (â€Å"Splenda†), the same sweetener currently used in Pepsi One.On March 21,2005,it announced another diet product, â€Å"Coca-Cola Zero†, sweetened partly with a blend of aspartame and acesulfame potassium. Recently Coca-Cola has begun to sell a new â€Å"healthy soda† Diet Coke with Vitamins B6, B12, Magnesium, Niacin and Zinc, marketed as â€Å"Diet Coke Plus†. In April 2007, in C anada, the name â€Å"Coca-Cola Classic† was changed back to â€Å"Coca-Cola†. The word â€Å"Classic† was removed because â€Å"New Coke† as no longer in production, eliminated the need to differentiate between the two. The formula remained unchanged.Production Original formula [pic] The  Coca-Cola formula  is  The Coca-Cola Company's secret recipe for  Coca-Cola. As a  publicity,  marketing and  intellectual property  protection strategy started by  Robert W. Woodruff, the company presents the formula as a closely held  trade secret known only to a few employees, mostly  executives. Published versions say it contains  sugar  or  high fructose corn syrup,  caramel color,  caffeine,  phosphoric acid,  coca extract,  kola nut  extract,  lime  extract,  vanilla, and  glycerin.The basic â€Å"cola† taste from Coca-Cola and competing cola drinks comes mainly from  vanilla  and  cinnamon; distinctive tastes among various brands are the result of trace flavorings such as  orange,  lime  and  lemon  and spices such as  nutmeg. Some natural colas also include  cola nut; Coca-Cola does not, and chemical testing reveals none. Coca-Cola was originally one of hundreds of coca-based medicines that claimed benefits to health; in Coca-Cola's case it claimed to alleviate headaches and to be a â€Å"brain and nerve tonic†. Coca leaves were used in its preparation, and the small amounts of cocaine provided a buzz to drinkers.In 1903 Coca-Cola removed cocaine from the formula, started using caffeine as the buzz-giving element,[and started dropping all the medicinal claims. Coca-Cola replaced unprocessed coca leaves with â€Å"spent† coca leaves, which have gone through a cocaine extraction process, and served only to flavor the beverage. These changes were in response to increasing pressure from the  Food and Drug Administration, which was carrying a campaign ag ainst harmful food ingredients and misleading claims, under the direction of  Harvey Washington Wiley.The coca leaves are imported from Peru, and they are treated by US chemical company  Stepan, which then sells the de-cocainized residue to Coca-Cola. Since 1929, the beverage only contains trace amounts of cocaine  alkaloids, not enough to have any effect. The  Coca-Cola Company  currently refuses to confirm whether Coca-Cola still contains spent  coca  leaves, saying that this is part of the secret formula. In 1911 the Food and Drug Administration tried to get caffeine removed from Coca-Cola's formula in  United States v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, claiming that it was harmful to health.The FDA lost the case, but the decision was partly reversed in 1916 by the Supreme Court. Coca-Cola settled to avoid further litigation, paying all legal costs and reducing the amount of caffeine in its product. The government passed bills forcing caffeine to be list ed in the ingredient list of beverages. Other formulas In the United States, Coca-Cola normally uses  high-fructose corn syrup  instead of  sugar  as its main sweetener, due to the combined effect of corn subsidies and sugar import tariffs making HFCS substantially cheaper.There are two main sources of sugar-based Coca-Cola in the United States: Kosher Coca-Cola – produced for  Passover  is sold in 2-liter bottles with a yellow cap marked with an OU-P, indicating that the  Orthodox Jewish Union  certifies the soda as  Kosher for Passover, or with a white cap with a CRC-P indicating that the certification is provided by the  Chicago Rabbinical Council. While the usual Coca-Cola formula is  kosher  (the original  glycerin  from  beef tallow  having been replaced by vegetable glycerin), during Passover  Ashkenazi Jews  do not consume  Kitniyot, which prevents them from consuming high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).Even sugar-based formulas would still require certification of both the formula and the specific bottling plant, as the strictures of  Kashrut  on Passover are far higher and more complicated than usual kosher observance. Mexican Coca-Cola – In the  United States, there is strong demand from Latin-American immigrant customers for the Coke they drank â€Å"back home†, so Mexican sugar-based Coca-Cola in  traditional contour bottles  is sold in ethnic markets. In recent times, a cult following has emerged amongst younger Coke drinkers who believe this to be the pre-New Coke original formula.The company advises people seeking a sugar-based Coca-Cola to buy â€Å"Mexican Coke†. Coca-Cola commercial : On January 23, 2011, during an NFL commercial, Coca-Cola teased that they would share the secret formula only to flash a comical â€Å"formula† for a few frames. This required the use of DVR to freeze on the formula for any analysis, which ultimately proved to be a marketing ploy wit h no intention of sharing the full official formula. Ingredients listed in the commercial: Nutmeg Oil, Lime Juice, Cocoa, Vanilla, Caffeine, â€Å"flavoring†, and a smile. pic] Bottle design The equally famous Coca-Cola bottle, called the â€Å"contour bottle† within the company, but known to some as the â€Å"hobble skirt† bottle, was created by bottle designer  Earl R. Dean. In 1915, the  Coca-Cola Company  launched a competition among its bottle suppliers to create a new bottle for their beverage that would distinguish it from other beverage bottles, â€Å"a bottle which a person could recognize even if they felt it in the dark, and so shaped that, even if broken, a person could tell at a glance what it was. † Chapman J.Root, president of  the Root Glass Company  of  Terre Haute, Indiana, turned the project over to members of his supervisory staff, including company auditor T. Clyde Edwards, plant superintendent Alexander Samuelsson, and  Earl R. Dean, bottle designer and supervisor of the bottle molding room. Root and his subordinates decided to base the bottle's design on one of the soda's two ingredients, the  coca leaf  or the  kola nut, but were unaware of what either ingredient looked like. Dean and Edwards went to the  Emeline Fairbanks Memorial Library  and were unable to find any information about coca or kola.Instead, Dean was inspired by a picture of the gourd-shaped  cocoa pod  in theEncyclop? dia Britannica. Dean made a rough sketch of the pod and returned to the plant to show Root. He explained to Root how he could transform the shape of the pod into a bottle. Root gave Dean his approval. Chapman Root approved the prototype bottle and a  design patent  was issued on the bottle in November, 1915. The prototype never made it to production since its middle diameter was larger than its base, making it unstable on  conveyor belts. Dean resolved this issue by decreasing the bottle's middl e diameter.During the 1916 bottler's convention, Dean's contour bottle was chosen over other entries and was on the market the same year. By 1920, the contour bottle became the standard for the  Coca-Cola Company. Today, the contour Coca-Cola bottle is one of the most recognized packages on the planet†¦ â€Å"even in the dark! â€Å". In 1997, Coca-Cola introduced a â€Å"contour can,† similar in shape to its famous bottle, on a few test markets, including Terre Haute, Indiana. The can has never been widely released. A new slim and tall can began to appear in Australia on December 20, 2006; it cost AU$1. 95.The cans have a resemblance to  energy drink  cans. The cans were commissioned by Domino's Pizza and are available exclusively at their restaurants. In January 2007, Coca-Cola Canada changed â€Å"Coca-Cola Classic† labeling, removing the â€Å"Classic† designation, leaving only â€Å"Coca-Cola. † Coca-Cola stated this is merely a name cha nge and the product remains the same. The cans still bear the â€Å"Classic† logo in the United States. In 2007, Coca-Cola introduced an aluminum can designed to look like the original glass Coca-Cola bottles. In 2007, the company's logo on cans and bottles changed.The cans and bottles retained the red color and familiar typeface, but the design was simplified, leaving only the logo and a plain white swirl (the â€Å"dynamic ribbon†). In 2008, in some parts of the world, the plastic bottles for all Coke varieties (including the larger 1. 5- and 2-liter bottles) were changed to include a new plastic  screw cap  and a slightly taller contoured bottle shape, designed to evoke the old glass bottles. [pic] [pic] [pic] Advertising Slogans for Coca-Cola Throughout the years, the slogans used in advertising for Coca-Cola have reflected not only the brand,but the times.Slogans provide a simple, direct way to communicate about Coca-Cola. The 1906 slogan, â€Å"The Great Nat ional Temperance Beverage†, reflects a time when the society in the United States was veering away fron alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola provided a nice alternative. Other slogans have concerned our sales figures, such as â€Å"Three Million a Day† from 1927 or â€Å" Six Million a Day† from 1925. In terms of drinks a day, that’s a vast difference from the one billion a day mark The Coca-Cola Company passed in 1997.Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing taste,or even its role in entertaining,as in 1948’s â€Å"Where There’s Coke There’s Hospitality†. In 1985, the introduction of a new taste of Coca-Cola (commonly called new Coke ®) and the reintroduction of Coca-Cola classic and the original formula led to multiple slogans. 1985 featured â€Å"America’s Real Choice†, while by 1986,two slogans were used to differenciate the brands,with â€Å"Red,White and Youà ¢â‚¬  for Coca-Cola classic and â€Å"Catch the Waveâ€Å" for Coca-Cola.Some advertisments themselves rise to the level of memorable slogans. The 1971 â€Å"Hilltop† ad featured a song with the words â€Å"I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke†. Althought that wasn’t an actual slogan (the ad in fact was part of the â€Å"It’s Real Thing† campaign), the ad and song lyrics are still so well known today that the lyrics are considered a slogan to many. In January 2003, latest slogan for Coca-Cola was introduced – â€Å"Coca-Cola†¦ Real†. The Campaign(and slogan in turn) reflects genuine, authentic moments in life and the natural role Coca-Cola plays in them.Coca-Cola has been notable for its advertising slogan over the years, since its inception in 1886. †¢ 1886 – Drink Coca-Cola †¢ 1904 – Delicious and refreshing. †¢ 1905 – Coca-Cola revives and sustains. †¢ 1906 – The great nati onal temperance beverage. †¢ 1908 – Good til the last drop †¢ 1917 – Three million a day. †¢ 1922 – Thirst knows no season. †¢ 1923 – Enjoy life. †¢ 1924 – Refresh yourself. †¢ 1925 – Six million a day. †¢ 1926 – It had to be good to get where it is. †¢ 1927 – Pure as Sunlight †¢ 1927 – Around the corner from anywhere. †¢ 1928 – Coca-Cola †¦ pure drink of natural flavors. 1929 – The pause that refreshes. †¢ 1932 – Ice-cold sunshine †¢ 1937 – America's favorite moment. †¢ 1938 – The best friend thirst ever had. †¢ 1938 – Thirst asks nothing more. †¢ 1939 – Coca-Cola goes along. †¢ 1939 – Coca-Cola has the taste thirst goes for. †¢ 1939 – Whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think ofrefreshment, think of ice cold Coca-Cola. †¢ 1941 – Coca-Cola is Coke! †¢ 1942 – The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself. †¢ 1944 – How about a Coke? †¢ 1945 – Coke means Coca-Cola. †¢ 1945 – Passport to refreshment. 1947 – Coke knows no season. †¢ 1948 – Where there's Coke there's hospitality. †¢ 1949 – Coca-Cola †¦ along the highway to anywhere. †¢ 1952 – What you want is a Coke. †¢ 1954 – For people on the go. †¢ 1956 – Coca-Cola †¦ makes good things taste better. †¢ 1957 – The sign of good taste. †¢ 1958 – The Cold, Crisp Taste of Coke †¢ 1959 – Be really refreshed. †¢ 1963 – Things go better with Coke. †¢ 1966 – Coke †¦ after Coke †¦ after Coke. †¢ 1969 – It's the real thing. †¢ 1971 – I'd like to buy the world a Coke. †¢ 1974 – Look for the real things. †¢ 1976 – Coke adds life. 1979 –  Have a Coke and a smile †¢ 1982 – Coke is it! †¢ 1985 – America's Real Choice †¢ 1986 – Red White & You (for  Coca-Cola  Classic) †¢ 1986 –  Catch the Wave  (for  New Coke) †¢ 1989 – Can't Beat the Feeling. (also used in the UK) †¢ 1991 – Can't Beat the Real Thing. (for Coca-Cola Classic) †¢ 1993 – Always Coca-Cola. †¢ 2000 – Enjoy. †¢ 2001 – Life tastes good. (also used in the UK) †¢ 2003 – Real. †¢ 2005 – Make It Real. †¢ 2006 – The Coke Side of Life (used also in the UK) †¢ 2007 – Live on the Coke Side of Life (also used in the UK) †¢ 2008 – love it light (also used in the UK) 2009 –  Open Happiness †¢ 2010 – Twist The Cap To Refreshment †¢ 2011 – Life Begins Here Coca-Cola and Santa Claus Though he was not the first artist to create an image of Santa Clau s for Coca-Cola advertising, Haddon Sundblom’s version became the standard for other Santa renditions and is the most-enduring and widespread depiction of the holiday icon to this day. Coca-Cola’s Santa artworks would change the world’s perception of the North Pole’s most-famous resident forever and would be adopted by people around the world as the popular image of Santa.In the 1920s, The Coca-Cola Company began to promote soft drink consumption for the winter holidays in U. S. magazines. The first Santa ads for Coke used a strict-looking Claus. In 1930, a Coca-Cola advertised with a painting by Fred Mizen, showing a department store Santa impersonator drinking a bottle of Coke amid a crowd of shoppers and their children. Not long after, a magical transformation took place. Archie Lee, then the agency advertising executive for The Coca-Cola Company, wanted the next campaign to show a wholesome Santa as both realistic and symbolic.In 1931, the Company com missioned Haddon Sundblom, a Michigan-born illustrator and already a creative giant in the industry, to develop advertising images using Santa Claus. Sundblom envisioned this merry gentleman as an opposite of the meager look of department store Santa imitators from early 20th century America. Sundblom’s Santa was very different from the other Santa artworks: he radiated warmth, reminded people of their favorite grandfather, a friendly man who lived life to the fullest, loved children, enjoyed a little honest mischief, and feasted on snacks left out for him each Christmas Eve.Coca-Cola’s Christmas campaign featuring this captivating Santa ran year after year. As distribution of Coca-Cola and its ads spread farther around the world, Sundblom’s Santa Claus became more memorable each season, in more and more countries. The character became so likable, The Coca-Cola Company and Haddon Sundblom struck a partnership that would last for decades. Over a span of 33 years, Haddon Sundblom painted imaginative versions of the â€Å"Coca-Cola Santa Claus† for for Coke advertising, retail displays and posters.In 1951, Sundblom captured the Coca-Cola Santa â€Å"making his list and checking it twice. † However, the ads did not acknowledge that bad children existed and showed pages of good boys and girls only. Mischievous and magical, the Coca-Cola Santa was not above raiding the refrigerator during his annual rounds, stealing a playful moment with excited children and pets, or pausing to enjoy a Coca-Cola during stops on his one-night, worldwide trek. When air adventures became popular, Santa also could be caught playing with a toy helicopter around the tree.Haddon Sundblom passed away in 1976, but The Coca-Cola Company continues to use a variety of his timeless depictions of Saint Nicholas in holiday advertising, packaging and other promotional activities. The classic Coca-Cola Santa images created by Sundblom are as ubiquitous today as the character they represent and have become universally accepted as the personification of the patron saint of both children and Christmas. [pic] [pic] [pic] Criticism The Coca-Cola Company, its subsidiaries and products have been subject to sustained criticism by both consumer groups and watchdogs, particularly since the early 2000s.Allegations against the company are varied and criticism has been based around; possible health effects of Coca-Cola products, questionable labour practices (including allegations of involvement with paramilitary organisations in suppression of  trade unions), the company's poor  environmental  record, perception of the companies engagement in  monopolistic  business practices, questionable  marketing  strategies and violations of  intellectual property  rights. Perception of the company as behaving unethically has led to the formation of pressure groups such as â€Å"Killer Coke†, boycotts of Coca-Cola and related products and la wsuits.Health effects [pic] [pic] Since studies indicate â€Å"soda and sweetened drinks are the main source of calories in American diet†,most  nutritionists  advise that Coca-Cola and other soft drinks can be harmful if consumed excessively, particularly to young children whose soft drink consumption competes with, rather than complements, a balanced diet. Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower intake of  calcium,  magnesium,  ascorbic acid,  riboflavin, and  vitamin A. The drink has also aroused criticism for its use of  caffeine, which can cause  physical dependence.A link has been shown between long-term regular  cola  intake and  osteoporosis  in older women (but not men). This was thought to be due to the presence of  phosphoric acid, and the risk was found to be same for caffeinated and noncaffeinated colas, as well as the same for diet and sugared colas. Acidity and tooth decay Numerous court cases have been filed ag ainst the Coca-Cola Company since the 1940s alleging that the  acidity  of the drink is dangerous. In some of these cases, evidence has been presented showing  Coca-Cola  is no more harmful than comparable  soft drinks  or  acidic  fruit juices.Frequent exposure of  teeth  to acidic drinks increases the risk of tooth damage throughdental erosion. This form of tooth decay is unrelated to  dental caries. High fructose corn syrup High fructose corn syrup  was rapidly introduced in many processed foods and soda drinks in the US over the period of about 1975–1985. Since 1985 in the U. S. , Coke has been made with  high fructose corn syrup  instead of  sucrose  to reduce costs. One of the reasons this has come under criticism is because the  corn  used to produce corn syrup often comes from genetically altered plants.Some nutritionists also caution against consumption of high fructose corn syrup because of possible links to  obesity  and  d iabetes. High fructose corn syrup has been shown to be metabolized differently than sugar by the human body. This causes problems with Coke's distribution and bottling network, because specific franchise districts are guaranteed an exclusive market area for Coke products. Mexican-made Coca-Cola may often be found for sale in stores catering to the Hispanic immigrant community.Kosher  for  Passover  Coke is also made with cane sugar, rather than corn syrup, due to the special dietary restrictions for observant Jews. Some  Orthodox Jews  do not consume corn during the holiday. Bottled with yellow caps, this variant can be found in some areas of the US around April. [pic] Conclusion The Coca Cola Company is currently one of the biggest and most recognized soft beverage brands in the world. With over 3000 products in more than 200 countries, the Coca-Cola Company has surely become part of people’s lives.The Coca-Cola Company owes its success to the people who do their b est to achieve the task at hand. In conclusion, Coca-Cola is a successful product, not only because it has built a recognizable logo and brand name, but mostly because it has managed to position its brand in a way that takes advantage of all the elements of marketing mix, place price and promotion/distribution. In doing so, it achieves to develop a brand personality and distinguish itself from competition, while offering consumers a clear view of its brand values.This leads to increased brand loyalty and satisfaction. [pic] Dear Coca-Cola, We do not share a physical or emotional relationship,nor are we related in any way because, even though we’ve both been designed using that incredible material called water, I’m vertebrate and you don’t have a spine. Even though you couldn’t talk, you were great company during those hot summer days and also during the freezing moments of winter. When it comes to you, thirst knows no season. It made my blood boil when th ey said you were a menace to ecology and a threat to the human anatomy.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Equity Warrant Bonds Essay

Equity warrant bonds are bonds issued with equity warrants attached. Warrants are similar to share options, and give their holder the right but not the obligation to subscribe for a fixed quantity of equity stocks in the company at a future date, and at a fixed subscription price (exercise price). When bonds are issued with warrants, the warrants are detachable and can be sold in the stock market separately from the bonds. Investors might therefore subscribe to an issue of equity warrant bonds, hold the bonds to maturity (as a long-term investment) and sell the warrants in the stock market fairly soon after purchase. Equity warrant bonds are unsecured, and offer a lower coupon rate of interest than similar straight bonds issued at the same time and for the same maturity. In these respects, they are similar to convertible bonds. A feature of equity warrant bonds is that if the warrants are exercised, the money obtained from issuing the new stocks can be used to help redeem the bonds. The debt capital therefore will be replaced, in part at least, by new equity. Equity warrant bonds were used extensively in 1988–89 by Japanese companies to raise capital in the euro convertibles market. Most had a five-year term, with the warrants exercisable at maturity of the bonds. Following the start of the collapse in Japanese share prices in 1989, the warrants linked to the bond issues became worthless because they had an exercise price well above the current share price. When some of these equity warrant bond issues matured in the mid-1990s, cash had to be found to redeem the bonds. Because share prices were then quite low, some of the companies were able to issue new equity warrant bonds. The cash from the new bond issues was used to redeem the maturing debt. Since the collapse of the late 1980s, equity warrant bonds have not regained their popularity. In the late 1990s they have had limited, specialist appeal, notably in Germany and Switzerland. Another development specific to the late 1990s is the rise of the exchangeable market. These are bonds that the issuer redeems in another company’s stocks, often allowing it to divest non-core stockholdings. In France and Japan, for instance, a large proportion of stocks in companies are held by other companies, rather than by insurance or pension funds. Derivatives can be a better way of rationalizing such corporate cross-holdings than selling them in the market. Interest on convertible bonds and equity warrant bonds is usually an allowable charge for tax purposes, so that their after-tax cost to the company is lower than the gross yield to investors. Dividends on preferred stocks, on the other hand, are not an allowable expense for tax purposes.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Texas Tech Acceptance Rate: What Does it Take to Get In?

A large research university located in Lubbock, Texas, Texas Tech University offers 150 undergraduate courses of study across 13 schools. Just what does it take to get in? Here’s what you should know. In order to apply to Texas Tech, you’ll need to submit your: *SAT and ACT are superscored . Texas Tech does not require the writing supplement for either test. Students who meet the following criteria are guaranteed admission into Texas Tech: If you do not meet the assured admissions requirements, Texas Tech â€Å"strongly suggests† responding to Essay Prompts A and/or B listed in the essay prompts and submitting three recommendations. Although these application components are not required, you should submit them unless you meet the criteria for assured admission. Texas Tech University recommends that applicants complete the Foundation Curriculum with the Distinguished level of achievement as outlined by the Texas Education Agency . Students who receive automatic admission on the basis of being in the top 10% of their graduating high school class must present a Distinguished diploma. The recommended high-school curriculum is as follows: Language Arts (4 Credits) English I, II & III Advanced English Course Options include English IV, Creative Writing, Humanities, & Advanced Journalism Mathematics (4 Credits) Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Advanced Math Course Options include Precalculus, AQR, AP Statistics & Engineering Mathematics Science (4 Credits) Biology IPC or Advanced Science Two advanced Science Courses Options include Chemistry, Physics, Forensic Science, & Astronomy Social Studies (3 Credits) U.S. History U.S. Government (.5 credit) Economics (.5 credit) World Geography or World History Foreign Language (2 Credits) Both credits must be the same language Note: Some programs have additional foreign language requirements Physical Education (1 Credit) Fine Arts (1 Credit) Electives (6 Credits) With an acceptance rate of 69.2%, Texas Tech is somewhat selective. The average GPA for admitted students in 2.85. The middle 50% of SAT and ACT scores for the freshman class are 1158-1240 and 22-27, respectively. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Texas Tech notes that it evaluates applicants based on their: While the overall admissions rate signifies that admissions are not as competitive at this university compared with some of its peers, you should keep in mind that some programs, such as the Honors College, are more rigorous and have lower acceptance rates than others. You should also bear in mind that not only can your test scores and GPA guarantee you admission into Texas Tech, but they can also qualify you for scholarships that significantly reduce your college costs. â€Å"Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.† This makes it clear that Texas Tech looks for curious, passionate students. In your essay and other areas of your application, you should demonstrate a talent that sets you apart and displays your innovation and creativity. Perhaps you’re a creative writer and will demonstrate that through both writing-related extracurricular activities and a dynamite essay. Or maybe you’re a star oboe player. Whatever your hook is, make sure it’s obvious on your application. â€Å"What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.† While many colleges seek out a diverse student body, Texas Tech goes a step further by asking you to consider how your roots have shaped your identity. This should be a cohesive theme throughout your application: how your community—in whatever way you define it—has contributed to your identity as a person. You might, for example, describe your unique upbringing, being very close to members of your extended family, or participating in your religious or cultural community. Keep the assured admissions criteria in mind. If you meet the assured admissions criteria, Texas Tech can be a secure safety school for you. Otherwise, you will need to put extra effort into the other aspects of your application, such as your essays. Texas Tech provides tips to follow , and you should read ours as well. You should also send teacher recommendations and ensure that your extracurricular profile is strong to make up for weaker grades and test scores. Being denied admission to any college, particularly one of your top choices, is disappointing. Still, it’s important to take a step back and regroup. If you get rejected from Texas Tech, here’s what you can do: Take a gap year or transfer in. If you had your heart set on Texas Tech or received bad news from the other colleges on your list, one option is to take a gap year and reapply next admissions cycle. If you do decide to go this route, make sure you have a productive plan for the year. You might undertake a research project, volunteer, study to improve your SAT scores, or take classes at another college. You can also matriculate at another college and transfer to Texas Tech. As with first-year admissions, the university has assured transfer admission criteria (applicable to your college GPA and credits): Transferable Hours GPA Requirements 12-23 hours 2.50 cumulative   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   24 or more hours 2.25 cumulative Individual schools and majors within the university have additional assured transfer admissions criteria: Architecture: 3.0 GPA Biology, Cell & Molecular Biology, Microbiology: 2.5 GPA Business: 15 hours + 2.75 GPA Community, Family & Addiction Sciences: 2.5 GPA Engineering: 24 hours + 3.0 GPA Honors College: 3.5 GPA Human Development & Family Studies: 2.5 GPA Interior Design: 2.7 GPA Kinesiology/Sport Management: 2.5 GPA Note that if you don’t meet these requirements, Texas Tech will evaluate you based on other criteria. Keep it in perspective. Even if TTU was your top choice, chances are, you’ll find a way to make a college that did accept you work. College really is what you make of it, and if you put effort into adjusting to another school by joining clubs, working hard in your classes, and cultivating a social life, you’ll likely find that you can make a fulfilling college experience for yourself, even if you end up at a college that wasn’t your top choice. When you sign up for our program, we carefully pair you with the perfect admissions specialist based on your current academic and extracurricular profile and the schools in which you’re interested. Your personal application specialist will help you with branding, essays, and interviews, and provide you with support and guidance in all other aspects of the application process.

Case against Illegal Music Downloading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Case against Illegal Music Downloading - Essay Example   According to the utilitarian rule of ethics, benefits of a decision should be experienced by the entire society and decisions that benefit a few while negatively impacting the overall society should be avoided as they are illegal. In the case of illegal downloading of music, those benefiting include those who download music for free and those who supply this form of illegal music, on the other hand, those who have invested heavily including the music recording companies and those who have purchased copyrights and the musicians themselves are being negatively impacted. There are even those who believe that musicians make a lot of money through concerts and brand endorsements and if the music is provided for free, it would not impact them. Although musicians make a lot of money, there is no reason why they should not benefit from the sale of their own benefit. Another reason due to which illegal music downloading should be completely banned is that it is destroying the entire music industry. It is negatively impacting those who make music as well as those who sell it. The music industry comprises of music recording companies who are privately owned organization and are operating with the primary aim of increasing their profits and the profits of their shareholders. If music continues to be distributed and downloaded in an illegal manner, the music producing companies will be ripped off their profits and there will be no motive of producing music and thus this will lead to complete destruction of music. According to statistics provided by RIAA, during the period of 2004 to 2009, around 30 billion music tracks were downloaded in an illegal manner (RIAA, 1999). Assuming that the selling price of 1 song is $1, this means that music companies lost $30 billion due to music being downloaded in an illegal manner. The main reason due to which illegal music downloading should be illegalized and should be controlled is that it will ultimately discourage musicians from m aking music and this would include those who have been making music for quite some time and even those who are yet to enter the market.     

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sport Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sport Sponsorship - Essay Example Sports sponsorship emerged and has developed based on the fact that most sports teams and events lack the financial muscle to sustain themselves and sponsors come in to assist. Businesses identify a promotion opportunity created by huge audiences sport events bring together. It would then see business associate with sport clubs and events that act as agents of business promotion for the sponsors. This is a mutually beneficial move as both the sponsored and sponsors gain advantages (Fortunato, 2013:88). There are, however, several issues that come along with sponsorship. Cultural factors may prevent successful sponsorship as the players culture may not synchronise with the sponsor’s promotions (Stotlar, 2009: 112). Additionally, negative associations in which many sponsors that promote two contrasting products may sponsor the same event or club. Also, sponsorship fits in which large companies are to be involved poses a problem. The mutual benefit that both the sponsors and the sponsored teams gain cannot be overlooked. It has proved to be a considerable force behind the development of sports across the world and it deserves to be recognised as much as possible. Sponsorship benefits both parties involved and, therefore, quite

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Policing and HRA 1998 (UK Law) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Policing and HRA 1998 (UK Law) - Essay Example There are sixteen basic rights in the human rights act, all taken from the European convention of human rights. The main effects of the Human Rights Act, 1998 are thresholds.2 First, when deciding cases before them, all courts and tribunals are required to take into account the conventions, as well as the decisions made by the institutions.3 Secondly, the national courts should read, if possible, the primary and secondary legislation in a manner, which is compatible with the conventions. Thirdly, public authorities are under a duty to act in accordance with convention failure, which results into civil action being taken against them. Generally, the main purpose of this convention was to proclaim a series of universal human rights which militate against the repetition of those events which had caused such immeasurable suffering. All public officials, including the police, have an obligation to respect and act according to the convention rights.4 Acting in such a way to contravene or go against these laws is unlawful and the citizens can raise any inappropriate act before the UK court or tribunal.5 The statements in this convention have to be contained within its articles which are augmented in its protocols which have been added since its formulation. In this paper, we shall look at how the various articles in the human right act have affected the police practice in crime investigation. A person has a right to have their life protected by the law.6 No one shall be deprived of his life. The act outlaws the death sentence in the United Kingdom. There are only limited circumstances where one can take away another’s life, like for self-defense. The police are therefore, expected to be very careful when carrying out an investigation because any act that may result to the death of the criminal is not justifiable under the law. A police is not supposed to end a person’s life by use of excess force even if he is defending the person from unlawful act,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Princeton Readings in Political Thought - Mitchell Cohen, Nicole Essay

Princeton Readings in Political Thought - Mitchell Cohen, Nicole Fermon. V.I. Lenin, Roskin, Sun Tzu - Essay Example Most often, however, war begins because there is an economic benefit to engaging in violence. What might end war is the growing interdependence of nations for economic stability. As developing nations continue to join the growing number of intertwined economies, world peace may be achieved where ‘war’ becomes swift takeovers through economic domination that occurs without violence. One example of a war that was fought over the declaration of a difference in ideologies but was engaged for the purposes of economic advantages is the Vietnam War. The base issue of the conflict begins with the imperialism of France and of Japan as those nations took hold of Indochinese territories with the intent of gaining economic control of those regions. As Communism began to grow in China, the leader of Ho Chi Minh began to take territories that were near to the Chinese borders, taking advantage of both France and Japan whose militaries were weak in comparison to the Chinese (Tucker). As the allied nations began to take part in coming to the aid of France in regard to the territories in question, the propaganda of the war was that it was being fought to save the Vietnamese people from the horrors of Communism, but the truth is that the allies came to the aid of Imperialistic French interests, making the war conditioned upon economics rather than ideologies. Radical belief systems do not always require an economic foundation for the attempt to dominate the world, but economics will motivate a great deal of the consequences and actions of other nations in response to war. Radical belief systems cannot be overcome by any sense of reason and must be engaged in order to stem the violence that might come from belief systems that discount the right to life. An example of this type of leader can be seen in Adolf Hitler. However, even World War II occurred